Monday, March 5, 2012

Grading Scale

To start off with I want to leave an explanation: This first page isn't mine, and though I did help in making it full credit goes ultimately to a friend named Marcus for creating it. With that said let me show you the style that will be seen for the upcoming battles. Bear in mind that this was originally made as a guide to judge O.C. characters, later applied to established characters. I'll be posting an example of each category.

====Grading Scale====

Mere Mortal (Lvl 0 - 0.5) – This is the lowest in terms of life forms you can go. Weak mortals can include animals or small creatures that would have difficulty bringing down a full-sized, competent human. In general, your average Joe regular pedestrian off the street with an IQ less than 120 would also fall into this range. Even grizzly bears and large sharks are not so poorly rated as this.
This guy scores low

Skilled Mortal (Lvl 1 - 2) – People with good military training, specialized skills, or sufficient brain power to make them noticeably valuable persons, a cut above the rest. This includes regular scientific geniuses, most men in the Special Forces, and extremely minor powers. People lacking fatal powers and have no equipment may also fall into this category. Examples: Storm Trooper, Spok, Crocodile Dundee, Marine (both Halo and Starship Troopers), Ork Boy, and most dangerous children.

Arguably one of the best fighters on the show, the Navy Seals  fall in the 2 category. 

Special Mortal (Lvl 3 - 4) – These are going to include most of your mutants, genetically enhanced creatures, super-equipped people, and specially gifted persons that would otherwise fit in the skilled mortal category. However on their own or without their “nitch”, they can be taken down by squads of regular military.
            Examples: Some of the weaker X-Men, Fantastic Four, Batman, Mario, Link, Captain America, Space Marine Terminator, etc.

Immortal (Lvl 5 - 6) – Such characters are not necessarily always immortal as they are able to fight them and are always long-lived characters. A list of those in this category include very powerful and in theory, near unstoppable characters. Most that exist in this hierarchy have the potential of defeating even demi-gods given the right situation and advantages, but would be rare and one-sided fighting.
            Examples: Wolverine, Albert Wesker, Alucard, Juggernaut, Kratos

Higher Being (Lvl 7 - 8) – Characters in this category can often go toe-to-toe with Superman or best him in prolonged combat. If they are mortal, the Army would have trouble killing them. Even taking away much of their equipment or source of their power and they are still difficult to destroy. Their weaknesses are few and can only be bested by the smartest or bravest of other mortals. Such is their power they can choose not to be fatal and take on groups of special mortals still. In all, general weapons would be useless against them. They are capable of taking on demi-god class characters, but only with specialized enhancements or equipment.
            Examples: Bravestar, Superman, Magneto, Apocalypse, Shadow (Sonic)
Even Superman can die. 

Demi-god (Lvl 9 - 10) – Demi-gods are characters of such high prowess they are capable of challenging many gods and supremely powerful beings. They can cut down swathes of mere mortals and mutants, and are immune or highly resistant to weapons fatal to most mortals. In most cases, they are ethereal in nature from a higher plain of existence or have equipment and weapons that are forged in a higher plain. They can almost never be killed by ordinary (physical) means.
            Examples: Goku, Spawn, Ghost Rider, Dr. Manhattan

Deity (Lvl 11+) – Anything that is truly immortal in any means regardless, and cannot be killed or destroyed barring a few rare exceptions. They can bend reality as they wish whenever they see fit.
            Examples: Demonic Gods of 40k, Cthulhu, Q, ect

===== X FACTORS =====

Included below are the explanations for x-factors used,the overall example used will be for one Eldrad Ulthran
Accuracy: 82/100 – How good is the character at shooting weapons, throwing objects, and with hand-eye coordination? 100 means the character is incapable of missing his mark. Think of this as how many times would they score a hit out of 100 under normal circumstances.

Combat: 58/100 – Hand-to-hand combat experience and capabilities. 100 means the character knows every single martial art and fought every kind of foe possible, having been fighting as soon as they could move their limbs, and are impossible to match against a being exactly like them. Very skilled human martial artists reach about the 50 mark.

Physicality: 6/100 – While 5 represents average human strength, 100 represents near infinite strength or the capability for it (i.e. Hulk and Superman, who have no exact stated limits; it is doubtful they even have any). 99 is a character who technically has no limits, but cannot compete with 100-level strength. 

Damage Intake: 15/100 – How much damage can the character take before dying? Someone like Alucard would score very high here given his millions of souls and powerful regeneration. . 100 represents a character that is completely immortal to damage, period. They can be banished, sent to a different dimension and possibly severed or broken apart but cannot be destroyed. Peak human toughness reaches about 10.

Damage Resistance: 82/100 – This represents how well armored the character is. Alex Mercer could turn his form into a living suit of armor or pull up a giant shield. Also included in this category  are defense powers such as Telekinesis, shield charms, improbability fields ect.   100 represents a character that cannot take physical damage.

Stealth – 45/100 – Quite simply, the overall mindset and success in alluding enemies. 100 represents one who is completely invisible, with almost no known presence in the area, even to telepaths (most “cloaked” character upgrades only go up to 80). 0 represents one who can’t even stand still without making a great deal of noise heard dozens of meters away. Average human light-step is 40. Insect-sized characters would probably fall into a 60-70 zone. S

Sensory – 70/100 – The overall ability of the character to detect others and obstacles. A telepath with a range of dozens of miles to know the very existence of all in his path (even in pocket dimensions) would be about 100. Average humans with their physical sensory organs reach a good 50. This can be compared to an opposing character’s Stealth to see how well they could detect the hidden foe, and how quickly. 

Initiative: 37/100 – How fast is the character able to predict and react to get off an attack. 100 means the character will always strike first, no matter what. Most humans reach about 20, with a peak human initiative at 40.

Stamina: 70/100 – The physical energy level a character possesses before fainting or needing rest. 100 represents a character that cannot ever tire or lose energy completely. Alex Mercer is built so he cannot be fatigued.  Healthy humans reach a max of 40 (similar bar to stamina).

Finesse: 54/100 – The delicate, accuracy of hand and sense of balance. This can determine how light-stepped the character is in setting off traps or moving quickly through a hailstorm of enemy fire. 100 represents a character who is quick and careful, able to move about with a single finger in-between areas as narrow as their very mass. 0 is a character who can’t even move without falling over; wheelchair-confined characters reach a good 10-15. Finesse relies directly upon their personal ability to move their body, but even flexible humans can only achieve a max score of 80.

Energy Potential: 50/100 – The amount of psychic/magic/power energies outside of physical stamina available to use for spells and powers. 100 represents a near limitless amount. Humans without special powers sit at 0. Use your best judgment to guess this amount as this depends on the user himself.

Adaptive Creativity: 65/100 – Use of available resources, making traps, combining elements in the moment, and using the battlefield around them, as well as surprise rate to changes in their opponents. 100 represents someone who can mold and react to anything and are never surprised. 

Raw Speed: 18/100 – How fast is the character including rate of acceleration and max speed. 100 is several times over the speed of light (faster than Flash), with 15 as Olympic runner. Note, the rate of speed increases lightly with each grade.

Reflexes: 88/100 – Reaction time, ability to dodge. A character with low reaction time would be blinded by their own movements with a high raw speed. For most, reflexes and raw speed go hand-in-hand as one and the same, but not in every case. Some can see things coming and simply not physically move fast enough. 100 represents a character that can track objects moving at 100 grade raw speed (see above). Most humans reach about 10, with a human peak of 40.

Experience: 80/100 – Mostly related to fighting experience that isn’t related to training. 100 represents far over 10,000 years of constant experience or equivalent, against hundreds of different kinds of foes and situations. This varies depending on a balance of years of experience, and multiplied by the variation of experiences. Batman for example would score fairly high because of the sheer number of variations and experiences he’s fought, despite his relative short life compared to other superheroes.

Discipline: 90/100 – How focused one is at keeping up his training, keeping his cool, and how coordinated they are with allies and minions. 100 represents someone more rigid and unbending and works well with any strategy or person. Common military combatants sit at around 40.

Intelligence: 78/100 – The overall problem-solving, tactic-figuring wits of the character. 100 represents one who is nearly omnipotent (similar to Dr. Manhattan), while 40 represents average intelligence of a competent human. Foreseeing the future and remembering the past also factor into this.

Training: 66/100 – 40 is a good medium for general military or combat training, and excludes experience. Special forces would get at least a 50.

Audacity: 60/100 – How bold and daring is the character? Brave into the unknown, and risky? 100 is someone with no fear and cannot be psychologically bent in that area, while 0 is a person who always runs away regardless of odds in their favor. 50 is average bravery; someone who will face anyone they think challenges them equally, but nobody that can beat them. Kratos the god killer would score VERY high here. 

Intimidation: 40/100 – This is how overpowering and brutal the character appears through actions, words, strength of reputation, or mere morbid sight. 100 represents something that will mind-rape a human to permanent hospitalization just from beholding the entity. 0 represents something that looks so cute and innocent and also extremely weak. In this tournament, Alucard would score extremely high. 

[This can sometimes be troublesome to guess for well-designed characters, as some characters react differently depending on the situation but this is initial, first contact.]

Tactics: 80/100 – How good is the character at coming up with plans to win battles? How often do they work? 100 represents a character whose plans are always perfect in the moment they forge them. 

Intuition: 92/100 – “I’ve got a bad feeling about this.” Intuition cannot be explained through normal study or means, and often represents the ability to predict short-ranged success or failure in particular actions. 100 represents the ability to perceive and direct the future almost limitlessly. Eldrad can see events hundreds of years in the future, and  scores very high here. 

Psychological Warfare: 81/100 – How keen is the character at fighting the will of his opponent to fight; to bring them down through words, terror, and trickery rather than brutal, direct damage. 100 represents someone who can win battles without even fighting.

Strength of Mind: 90/100 – This represents the resistance a character has to psychic attacks, mind reading, mind tricks, and ability to see through hallucinations. 100 represents a character’s sensory cannot be tricked or tapped into. Most humans sit at a comfortable 40-60. A good way to determine this is to consider who is susceptible to the Jedi mind trick. 60 is someone highly resistant and 50 represents required concentration from most Jedi, and 30 is very easy. Most animals sit at 10 or less.

Killer Instinct: 78/100 – This is how willing and automated the character is at killing. 100 represents on-site, nonstop killing with no hesitation. 0 is a character who refuses to kill anything ever regardless of situation or cannot kill (a Genie for example rates at 0). 

Psychology: 87/100 – More about the psychological health of the character and their sound of mind, with an average human scoring 70. 

Inner Torment: 25/100 – How much inside torments the character? Characters with psychic powers that can read minds can get a good psychological edge off of this. Slater has absolutely no regrets, no morals, no soul, and a small sense of humanity and thus scores very low. Characters like Spawn (70/100) suffer heavily from this and would score very high, with a destructive past and memories full of regret and visions of hell. 

Corruption: 40/100 – If a character is pure evil, they will score very low. Certain powers can have better affect on how corruptible the character is, and shows how they can be bent in a combat through offers and bribes, but most often represents the pure evil and intent of the character. 50 is a good neutral, with 0 being the purest of unconditional love. 100 is evil in the very flesh, looking at even torturous death as petty mercies.

===Weapons, Equipment and Powers====

For direct-damage weapons or powers, use the Deadliest Warrior style (Long Range, Mid Range, Short Range, and Special) with up to two types of specials allows maximum (typically a special and an explosive). Small damage or combo weapons may be considered one weapon with something else.

The following is a guide to types of equipment and powers. While by no means a complete or exhaustive list, try to stay within one of the following types. This guide is only for weapons that are not commonly known (i.e. you can’t find a link that describes it well) or used in the real world.

It is important to note that equipment specifically includes items that are not part of the character’s body or is an external/detachable portion to them. In short they can be disarmed or disabled in some way without inhibiting the character himself. Doctor Octopus’ mechanical arms would count as “equipment”, even though they are attached to his body.

If you come across any listed category that does not exactly explain the equipment or power (example, somehow you manage to come up with a firearm that is none of the types listed), then you put “*Other” and explain before putting any more weapon lists.

But all powers and equipment must be listed in the following format.

Note these terms: Ethereal. Ethereal is used to represent the stuff or material that exists outside of our regular universe. It often cannot be studied nor explained, following different laws of nature to what we are familiar with. To keep things simple, ethereal represents all “other-worldly” material, such as what demons are made of, magical bolts, basically mostly anything that can’t be technologically or biologically explained in our real universe.

Also, Adamantium is typically understood to have the same qualities throughout different universes, from Wolverine’s bones to Warhammer 40k armor. It is several times stronger than steel, yet either as light or lighter than it. If a weapon type has a hard time getting through titanium steel, it will typically take four times the strength or time to make it through adamantium. If you want to use another type of metal that is stronger than steel in most all respects, simply use this.

There are also several types of omega damage/technology/powers that can be dealt through extraordinary means. Such types of attacks can rarely, if ever, be stopped or defended against except when countered by the same type of attack or defense.
            Chronos types of equipment, powers, or weapons utilize and bend time in some way. Most often this consists of time travel. Chronos weapons for example compromise the existence of a target and thus erase them from present existence. Time travel devices, usually “short-ranged” and expend very rare or great amounts of energy, give the character great power to avoid disaster, if only for a moment.
            Life Draining is also very powerful, as it absorbs or releases the life essence or soul of a given target (there is an unusual electronic form for computer consciousness or programs).
            Data Deletion is of the most powerful type of damage to exist. It directly erases the very existence of the target either through contact, after scanning, or an explosion. Such types are usually only ever used as offensive weapons (or shields) and usually only in the direst of circumstances. They are always dangerous to use and stop absolutely everything from existing; ethereal, energies, and all physical materials. Nothing blocks their damage or effect or bypasses them except possibly through teleportation. Even invisible targets that have a signature to exist within the effected are still vulnerable. Regeneration or rebuilding that specific affected area is absolutely impossible, only by cloning or multiplication (such as cells not touched to multiply and cover the wound) can damage inflicted by this weapon be stopped.
            Power of Imagination is a slightly broad term, but in essence it power of the capabilities of the mind. The Force is a good example; most Force users have the power of imagination, limited only by raw belief in what they can accomplish with control. Looking to a character’s Energy Potential and coupling it with their Intelligence, Tactics, Training/Experience, and more importantly Adaptive Creativity will give you a good idea of just what all they can accomplish.

Firearms – List the range, type (for solid-slug, list the caliber), effect, approximate rate of fire, and ammunition capacity. These are portable weapons of any kind that specifically launch projectiles. You must have sufficient knowledge in the effects of the type of your weapon
            TYPES: Solid-slug, Plasma (if different effect from Railgun), Photon, Railgun, Energy, Biological, Force Flex (bows and Y-slings), Ethereal
            RANGE: Doesn’t need to be specific, but if you know the exact effective and max range that’s great.
            EFFECT: List any extra effects the ammunition might inflict. If it expands and wraps the target, burrows into them, etc. live ammunition would be best for this. If there is hollow-point ammunition or the like, it will also be listed here.
            ROF: Rate-of-fire, basically how many rounds a minute (by the character) will the weapon shoot?
            AMMO CAP: Ammunition capacity, how many rounds can it hold before being reloaded? And how many rounds can be carried on the character?

Explosives – Anything that can be detached in any way from the character and is not launched through firearm force. List the type, effect, detonation, and target type, and any other special traits. List all that apply:
            TYPE: Mines, Grenades, Planted/Pliable (C4)

            EFFECT: Area Effect (list lethal and effective range), Concentrated, Local (very small area effect, like the face),
            DETONATION: Direct contact (with device), detection range, remote command (and type, voice activated, button, etc.), triggered action
            TARGET: Carbon Life, Plant, discriminate (specific species/persons), Psychic, Vehicular, Electronics/Technology

Enhancements – This includes potions or pills to be ingested/injected by the character into himself or a member of their team to boost specific powers, stamina, also includes healing factors. Such enhancements are often going to be separate equipment or organs that are used only when triggered.

Tactical Aid – Basically the “magic wand” of the character that does specialized effects instead of or including acting as a firearm of some type. Specifically, the character does not simply produce the powers on their own but require this piece of equipment to channel such powers. For all of these types, it is basically understood that all energy is energy, engineered or otherwise. Fire for example that comes from magic is relatively the same as the fire from a machine, unless it is specifically ethereal. Some of these can have multiple types, like act as a shield and weapon. Just list them all so we are familiar with the device in question.
            TYPES: Magical* (list the origin/subtype of the magic as this often makes a specific difference in effect), Mechanical, Biological
*For magical, list the specific origin/subtype of the magic as this can make a specific difference in effect. Magic from a deity is different from a demon, both different from a physical/mutative power source (such as the Warp), etc.

Transportation – This includes any method the character uses to get around in a tactical situation; Harry Potter uses a “witch’s broom”, Mario uses a feather to fly, etc. It can be biological, such as a pair of wings for an angel, or mechanical like a jetpack.
            TYPE: Flight, Extended Jump, Teleportation,
            RANGE: How far can this go and for how long?
            MANOUVERABILITY: What is the turn radius rate at low and top speed?

Shields – There are many types of shields with different effects. Please be sure you are knowledgeable of the type of shield used by your characters. You must list their maximum capabilities (and they will have them; no shield is infinitely invulnerable!)
            FORCE FIELD – General use, wards off projectiles and energy by dissipating some type of force that stops the direction of damage short of the user. Note what the range of this is.
            ENERGY – Typically, most energy shields can only stop the type of energy they emit, except for physical projectiles. A fire shield doesn’t stop a fire hose, and a plasma shield won’t stop ethereal bolts, but will reflect or plasma-based energies.
            ELEMENTAL – An elemental shield is something that can be held, stopping blows by coming in direct contact with attacks. It will have exact dimensions like any other shield, and will often be able to be worn down with the right type of material striking it.

Combat Weapons – There is also an infinite combination of different hand-to-hand combat weapons, but they should fit into one of the following categories and types. Just like shields, please be knowledgeable of the materials and effectiveness of your weapons. First trait is the size and handle of the weapon, second is what it’s made of, and third the type of weapon.
            HAND WEAPON – Any type of weapon that can be used in a single hand of the particular user.
            TWO-HAND WEAPON – This can also include bizarre weapons that need special types of gasping element or extra limbs, not just something that uses two hands.
            NATURAL WEAPON – On monsters and mutants alike, limbs and tails can form powerful natural weapons that are part of or attached to the user. Use this for something that cannot be knocked out of grasp but are clearly separate limbs or body parts that can be removed in ugly combat. (A good example is Dr. Octopus’ mechanical arms).

            MATERIAL – This is the material it is made of or special properties the weapon might possess such as magical energies or monofilament sharpness. Note that this is for the part that actually does damage, not the whole of the weapon.

            BLADES – A weapon that is designed to cut, slice and dice, and/or hack through its opponents. Most common weapons in this category are swords (and if you want to list a specific sword form, like Katana, that is fine). Some are specialized to thrust and stab through opponents such as a rapier. But all bladed weapons are included in this category to simplify the vast range of those that exist. Most weapons of this category require a great deal of skill to utilize well.
            BLUNTS – The opposite of blades, such weapons are the choice for brutes. Designed for bludgeoning targets, they are typically simple smash and bash. Such weapons are rarely parried but instead dodged. Just like blades, this category helps to cut down the vast array of existing types and includes steel rebar, giant bones, and well-crafted maces.
            FLEXIBLE – Whips are the most common example but also include large, tension-stretched bands and weapons that entangle.
            MORPHED WEAPON – Such a weapon can change many forms. Try to keep this limited using only the favorites and most powerful versions if possible, but please list the general effects of each type of form. Oftentimes, morphed weapons are also natural weapons; when this is the case, note that it is both and explain (list as Morphed/Natural). Most common forms are blades that can turn into whip-like weapons.

Powers/Effects – There are specific types of abilities that cannot be explained well from the above list, most of which come from spell casting, but produce effects on the battlefield. While these do not count as weapons (and can thus be used in addition to weapons) they should be limited where possible within weapon or equipment factors for another warrior. Typically having more than 5/6 different weapons and powers capable of affecting the battle is not very fair. Even if is feasible that they could use several powers, that’s a lot of info most people don’t want to read!
            If these can be balanced out by a time limit, power drainage, or some malicious effect on the character himself, you can consider those. For example, if one power is exceedingly powerful but nearly kills the character, you can keep that as a “last resort” extra ability, typically pretty acceptable. They must be explained in full, and one or two examples must be known at least, either in the story or listed explanation. Types of powers are typically Innate, Prepared, or Triggered. Effects are either Direct Damage, Projectiles, Augments, Hexes, or a Vortex.

            INNATE: Powers that can be done on thought-command, though a simple physical gesture like a hand wave or directional nod may be used. They require the instinct for the right timing, and typically only require the character to be alive.
            PREPARED: The power must have a cited incantation to work, a specific motion of the hands, or something in the heavens to line up. Possibly requires the bones or blood of the opponent. Whatever it is, the power cannot simply happen at the will of the user without having what he needs. Describe what needs to be done first for it to work.
            TRIGGERED: Powers that are triggered automatically happen, whether the character wants it to or not, when a specific action or time makes it happen. Regeneration is usually a triggered power, which is triggered as soon as damage is dealt.

            DIRECT DAMAGE: This type of power is designed to directly destroy its targets either through burning them up, blasting them to kingdom come, or ripping limbs apart. All direct damage attacks cannot be seen and are difficult to predict.
            PROJECTILES: Projectiles are often designed to do direct damage, but not always. They create attacks that can be seen, blocked, or dodged (provided the target is fast enough). Projectiles are assumed to come from the caster himself, unless specified otherwise. Projectiles must have a list of stats just like a firearm would.
            AUGMENTS: Spells and abilities that enhance or heal the character (or ally) in any way fit in this category. It can boost their strength, another ability, repair weapons, or project some type of shield. Do your best to use the profile of one of the above-mentioned list of equipment to explain its effects.
            HEXES: A hex spell inhibits or weakens the opponent, but does not necessarily do direct damage (at least, not much). It usually does not come in the form of a projectile and sometimes cannot be physically dodged. Hexes, unlike augments, have such a huge range of possibilities that they cannot be completely listed so you must simply describe them.
            VORTEX: A vortex creates some other form on the battlefield. A good example would be like a tornado (and all the effects of a tornado with it), a portal, or an earthquake that opens a crack in the ground.
            MIND RAPE: Usually destroys or thrashes the very mind of the target. It can have various effects from minor/extreme mind control, making their brains explode, or severe hallucinations that cause confusion and torment.
            ENERGY SAP: The effect is designed to suck the energy or life force out of the target and either redistribute it, convert it into something the attacker can use, or redirects it to destroy the very owner. (Not the same as Life Draining.)

 Well with that stated (or essentially copied from the group) lets start the show!

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