Saturday, April 23, 2011

Hawaiian Koa vs. Shaolin monk :Battle and results

Read the first Four parts of the battle first!
 1st part Here 2nd part here third part here fourth part here

Hawaiian Koa names and meanings:
Main Character: Kaimana- "Diamond" or "sea filled with mana ".
Kaʻimi - "The seeker".
Kahaʻi - Name of a legendary Polynesian navigator.
Pōmaikaʻi - "Good fortune"
Kekoa - "Brave; the soldier; the koa tree".
Royal spear company:
ʻAulani - "Royal messenger, heavenly traveller"
Hanohano - "Glorious".
ʻImiʻike - "Seeker of knowledge"
ʻIolana-"soaring hawk".
Kaihe - "The spear".

Shaolin Monk names:
Main character :Tianyuan - leader of the shaolin, monk with legendary martial prowess (note: actual historical character).
Cao Ji
Li Shimin
Shi Dejian
Chi Kung
Shi XingLun
Chou Huibao
Yang Guiwu
Shi Dechan
Zhu Xi

    "Kanaloa, the god of the sea, has clearly cursed the expeditionary fleet with great misfortune" thought Kaimana ruefully; as he looked at his few remaining fellow men that were busy trying to salvage anything they could from the wrecked war canoes. A month ago he and his men set out to re-establish contact between Hawaii and the mysterious ancestral homeland of his people, of which no one in living memory had seen. Although Kaimana hadn't commissioned this expedition he was honored to have been selected to lead it. The fleet had been comprised mostly of emissaries  and traders, but warriors had also been selected to  accompany them should negotiations turn hostile .  Kaimana had kept the warriors in his boat both so that when they landed he would have their protection and to keep a close watch for potential malcontents.

     At thirty-five, Kaimana had called himself a Koa just a few years ago, fighting in Kamehameha's glorious campaign to unify the big island of Hawaii. He had distinguished himself in battle, slaying an enemy chief and earning a great amount of mana . His foe did not accept death willingly, and had managed to deliver a deep gash in Kaimana's thigh before succumbing furious blows that the enraged warrior had then proceeded to rain down on him. Kaimana insisted to Kamehameha that he was fine, that he could still fight and it would heal soon...but the great one had told him kindly but firmly that his warrior days were over.

    So Kaimana languished for a few years within Kamehameha's court. Sure he was respected well enough and the great chief regularly sought his advice, but every petition to return to the front was denied. Finally the "Napoleon of the Pacific" , feeling both pity and annoyance at Kaimana's repeated petitions, consented to allow him  to lead  this propaganda and economic venture. If it succeeded it would give Kamehameha both income from opening up a new trade route and popularity for doing something that Hawaiians have dreamed about for many generations; rediscovering their origins. Looking back on his decision, Kaimana thought he probably shouldn't have wined so much...

     Bad winds had cursed the company since the onset, blowing them offcourse and into unfamiliar waters. Hawaiians were naturally skilled at navigating however and they still would have eventually made it back to Hawaii at least had not the sea god cursed them with a most malicious storm. Contact had been lost with the rest of the fleet, and the hurricane pushed them for what seemed many miles before smashing them against the coast here. Many warriors had been lost and as far as Kaimana could tell only ten, counting himself, had survived.

    Kaimana turned to his remaining warriors, eager to see what they had salvaged so far. Ka'imi , his best friend since childhood who he had asked to accompany him on this journey, had managed to scavenge a Ma'a and about seven Pohaku stones, in addition to his swordfish bill pahooah that had been attached to his wrist the entire journey. This pleased Kaimana as Ka'imi always had a well deserved reputation as a marksman. Kaha'i, their unfortunate navigator, was drying the armor that had survived the storm. While Kaimana knew that some probably blamed Kaha'i for the expedition's misfortune he did not. Not even the best navigator in the world can save you from an angry god.  The navigator had a Leiomano and a second Ma'a. It looked like he had no stones for his sling though so  Ka'imi would have to share some of his Pohaku .

     Pōmaikaʻi or "Good fortune" had an ironic name; he was actually the village mu or executioner. He carried the tool of his trade, his unique shark tooth strangulation cord, along with three Ihe (for throwing) and a Newa. Kekoa as his name implied was a career warrior, and probably the oldest in the group. Kaimana  was not exactly sure how old he, was only that he had been in his teens when Kaimana began his first Lua lessons. Over the years Kekoa had achieved much island fame for his skill with the Pikoi, and the old warriors face lit up when he managed to find his favorite weapon, intact, under a log. As he picked it up with his right hand, Kaimana noticed that in his left he held two Ihe.
  These were the men familiar to Kaimana.

     The last five were all men of the Royal Phalanx Company and were relatively unknown to him. All five had their signature Polulu pikes, along with a few additional weapons they had managed to scrounge up.ʻAulani, called the Royal messenger because of the work he did before electing to join the Phalanx, carried a curved dagger along with a coconut fiber vest. Kaimana knew little about how effective such an armor was, but it was rumored to stop bullets (speaking of which Kaimana was very sad to see that the expeditions only musket had been broken in two). Hanohano, who had earned his name for bravely leading a charge into a musket volley, carried both a Newa and a Leiomano attached to his malo. "I'm not sure how proficient he will be at duel wielding, but to each his own I guess" Kaimana thought. The Twin brothers ʻImiʻike (Seeker of knowledge) and ʻIolana (Soaring Hawk) both carried Pahooah, although the formers was wood while the latter's was made of a freshly caught marlin bill. Kaihe appropriately named "the Spear" carried both his heavy pike and a Ihe, as well as a (regular) strangulation cord to use  should the opportunity present itself.

     Steeling his gaze from his men, Kaimana turned to examine his surroundings. Within seconds he was able to determine that this was not the ancestral homeland. None of the trees or plants the old story tellers said had been brought from there were present, and strange houses unlike any make the Hawaiian had ever seen towered in the distance....he then shook himself out of the thought. Nothing ever got done by fiddling your thumbs. Grabbing his own Leiomano and curved dagger, he stood up off the log and addressed his men.

  "Well I think that's about all that we will be able to recover" said Kaimana with great disappointment in his voice. Turning to the far off houses  " We should see if the people that live here have any boats to barter, or if they won't trade to take by force. " At that the men all gave a great whoop as everyone of them were warriors  and it had been too long since they last fought. Putting on their Mahiole helmets, capes, belly bands and, in one lucky instance, coconut fiber armor they prepared for what they hoped would be a grand upcoming battle. The Koa than  lathered themselves up with oil for the inevitable close quarter fighting so the enemy could not grab on. Finally grabbing their weapons and moving into formation, they marched at a rather brisk pace toward the enemy town.
  Tianyuan was meditating with the rest of his monks. It had been a busy week for the leader of the monastic forces. They had eradicated the last of the Wokou as far as the monk could tell, but they had received troubling reports of strange ships appearing on the coast, carrying stranger men. So far the only foreigners they had been able to find were clearly dead, having drowned as a result of the recent typhoon.  The thought still worried the veteran monk though as these new guys may not be as easy as the Wokou.

  Peeking his eyes open a little he fixed his gaze on Cao Ji and felt deep shame enter his heart. That monk had violated the Buddhist code with the needless killing of that pirate's wife, who he had gleefully and violently beaten to death with his metal staff. Tianyuan was wary of including him in another patrol, but had to as Ji's skill with the staff was second only to Tianyuan himself. Ji also had a throwing knife concealed in each sleeve, which would be valuable to have in a ambush.

 The veteran monk was happy to move his gaze towards a more amicable fellow named Li Shimin. He was the ideal vision of a Shaolin monk; brave, kind, happy and strictly adhering to the code.  What was almost as impressive as this glowing statement was his choice of weapon: the meteor hammer. An extremely difficult to use weapon, Tianyuan himself hadn't been able to master its use.  Amazingly Li had and was famous amongst the group for fighting six pirates off when they had ambushed him, killing four and maiming the last two. Shi Dejian was known as the deceiver by both the other monks and pirates. At 5'3 this man was rather small and whats more he seemingly carried no weapon. Looks were deceiving and not only was Dejian extremely skilled in martial arts (being one of the only three in the group to  have successfully iron shirt technique, together with Yang Guiwu and Tianyuan himself), he also carried about six darts  hidden inside his sleeves. in battle four would be thrown while the last two would be used to enhance his punches.

 Tianyuan did not either Chi Kung Shi or XingLun really well as they were both fresh from the temple. Their fighting styles were similar as well; both carried wooden staffs and both had Emeici piercers hidden inside their robes (like Tianyuan). Chou Huibao had decided to opt out of the staff and elected to choose a hooked spear as his primary weapon. If the enemy moved in two close for that to be used he had a Dao sword that a Ming officer had given him. Yang Guiwu, who was well known among the group as a traveler, carried another throwing knife and a Shaolin spade.  The latter had seen much use from both burying the unfortunate bodies of those who had fallen to bandits along the road and for killing said bandits when they attempted to waylay the monk. Those bandits were then buried by the instrument of their demise. Shi Dechan was the only man in the group skilled with the deadly trident and like Huibao had a Dao sword should things get a little too close for comfort. Unlike Huibao,  Dechan wielded his sword with a Rattan shield, which he had gotten from a trader.  Finally there was the young Zhu Xi who carried another spade. Though not nearly as good as Yang and perhaps a bit overeager, young Xi had nevertheless proven himself in battle. 

   Closing his eyes again Tianyuan attempted to resume meditation when he was rudely interrupted by a yell and frantic running. A bloodied villager came running into their mist and collapsed right before reaching Tianyuan, revealing a javelin that penetrating deep into his back and into his chest.  As the concerned monk reached out to help the poor soul he was waved back by the fellow himself. Panting he said " I know I am dying....pirates attacked village...still there...hurry".  With his purpose done the man's face fell to the ground, never to rise again. Gently closing his eyes , Tianyuan and the monks sped off to the village to try to save anyone that they could. 
   Kaimana had tried to play diplomat, warning the villagers off with a show of force when they protested the theft of their boats. The foolish villagers then attempted to charge the Koa with what looked to be Ko'oko'o (staffs).They were slaughtered; in all honesty Kaimana didn't think one of them were able to land a blow on the Hawaiians.  Two of them had tried to escape through the bushes but unfortunately for them Kekoa had noticed them. Swinging his Pikoi with one hand around his head   he let loose the flying club, which wrapped around of the villager's ankles, tripping him. Not ceasing his sprint he took a spear that his other hand was holding and raised it above his head, aiming it at the last remaining runner. With a smile it he chucked it right as the villager made it into the bushes. A shrill yell answered the question of whether the javelin had hit or not. His smile now spreading from ear to ear, the koa grasped his last remaining spear, walking towards his downed prey with a spring in his step.  He stepped on the struggling peasant's back and thrust the spear downwards into and through his neck, twisting it as the Chinaman began gurgling blood. As violently as he entered he pulled the Ihe out, leaving the face down villager in a pool of his own blood.
       The triumphant Koa picked up their prize and dragged the boats to the beach. The day was seemingly theirs.
 Tianyuan moved amongst the bodies closing the eyes of the poor victims as the others looked for some clues as to who the assailants were.  Many of the wounds seemed to be as the result of a slashing or stabbing weapon, although the man with the back of his skull bashed open indicated the presence of a club. One of the peasants looked to have been garroted, with deep cuts making a ring around his throat.  Tianyuan said a quick prayer for them, which was interrupted by Li announcing that he had found some tracks.

   With determination to bring these murderers to justice, the head monk led his troops onward to the beach.

    Kaimana was packing what remained of the stocks that was able to be salvaged from the wreckage into the boats; they would need it if the return home was as long as the trip here. No this wont be enough to sustain us,  he thought, perhaps we should go back and take whatever the peasants had, they won't be needing it anymore. Nodding to himself, he informed the men of his concerns, who agreed with him. Picking up the weapons in case there were any more hostiles around, they marched back toward the town, half eager for a fight. They didn't have to wait long for one to find them.

    The two groups found each other in the rice field that the slain villagers used to rely on for food. Both sides were shocked and confused by the attire and weapons of the other. The Koa, while impressed with some of their lethal looking weapons, were shaking their head  in the newcomers choice of loose fitting robes (which could be easily grabbed on to when in a grapple) and the plain wooden staffs that most of them carried. This weapon was known to the Koa but never carried into battle, it just wasn't lethal enough.

   The Shaolin on the other hand, were curious as to how savages like these managed to kill even peasants. To the disgust of the monks most of them wore only soiled loincloths below the belly, which was protected by a small bit of leather. Bright capes and crested helmets only served to make the strangers even more ridiculous in the eyes of the Shaolin. Still only fools underestimate their enemies, and the Shaolin cautiously strode forward, eyes fixed on their foes.
      To say that Kaimana and his Koa were a tad bit excited would have been an understatement; they were elated to finally fight someone that did not move like a MakaÊainan (commoner) and obviously had some training.  ʻAulani ordered his men to form a Phalanx which all but two men got in for protection. These two were the Ma'a wielding Ka'imi and Kaha'i who were both eager to inflict some causalities before the battle was joined. Ka'imi was given four stones for his renowned skill with the sling leaving Kaha’i with the remaining three.

 Standing within four arms length of each other, they loaded their heavy rocks into the small pouches, picking out their  targets while doing so. Twirling the straps around high above their heads the two Hawaiian warriors let the rocks fly.

  Tianyuan heard a rather low pitch roaring noise that reminded him of the wind before a Typhoon on a deserted beach, and instinctively ducked just as two projectiles (what kind he couldn't tell, they were moving so blindingly fast) flew past. A yell was heard and Chi Kung fell to the ground clutching his hand. The monk leader turned to him and asked to see his hand before almost turning away in visible disgust. The hand was broken; there was simply no other way to put it. The stone was embedded in the middle of his hand, going so deep into it that it was visible from both sides. The monk leader didn't think it would ever heal, but they didn't have time to stop. Gently but firmly he told Chi that they had to move, which the pained monk agreed with, lest they get hit by more rocks. 
    Ka'imi cursed. He had meant to nail the lead one but instead had only wounded a follower. That idiot Kaha'i, certainly the worst navigator in the entire island chain, had missed completely, his rock flying about 4 feet over the man with the trident's head. A bad shot as well as navigator, by Akua why did he have to split his stones with this failure?
     Loading his sling with his second rock, he and the idiot navigator let loose a second volley.
   Still facing Chi, Tianyuan did not see the second rock fly at him.Chi however did and pushed the veteran monk out of the way, which resulted in the rock colliding with his chest and knocking him down to the ground.  The twice-injured monk started to gasp for air frantically but to no avail; the Pohaku stone had lodged itself deep into his chest, breaking ribs and sending the pieces into his lungs. As the monk began to cough up blood, Tianyuan decided to act. Saying a prayer for his dying hero while simultaneously asking him for forgiveness, he dug his two Emeici piercers deep into the suffering man's throat before pulling them out. Chi Kung gasped more violently for a couple seconds before his eyes rolled back into his head. Gently closing them, Tianyuan left to join his other monks who now resumed their trek, silently promising to Buddha that he would come back later to bury his friend/life-saver.
Shaolin Monks :9 Hawaiian Koa :10
   Ka'imi loved the feeling of triumph. Although he had failed to kill the lead monk(again), he had nailed one of his followers with a direct shot to the chest. He wouldn't be getting up again. Once again the man next to him, clearly of low to nonexistent mana, had missed his target by about 2 feet and was now looking around the grass for the stone that he had dropped in his haste to reload. Sighing at the idiocy that the world had produced, he loaded a third rock into his ma'a and fired. 
  Shi Dechan saw it coming at the last second and quickly moved his shield to his face,  just in the nic of time as it turned out ; a loud banging was heard that made him flinch and turn his head. Slowly looking back at the rattan shield, he saw a rock about halfway through it, right in front of his face. Breathing a sigh of relief and removing the rock, he continued on. They had almost reached the wall of spears.

     Ka'imi cursed again; not only did that fail to kill but that idiot next to him still hadn't found his stone yet. The man in question was frantically scouring the irrigated field, but could not find it.  Shaking his head yet again the champion slinger loaded his last shot; he was going to make this one count. Once again he eyed the lead monk, who returned the stare. For the last time he swung the pouch above his head continuing to stare at the fast approaching lead monk as he did so .  As he prepared to let the rock fly the lead monk fidgeted a little. Ka'imi let the rock the man who was trotting next to his original target. 

 The Stone collided with Yang Guiwu's forehead with a sickening crack. The frontal lobe was obliterated by the shot instantly but it took the body a few more mili-seconds to acknowledge this. His legs managed to take two more steps before the Buddhist monk fell backward to the Earth, already dead before touching the ground.
Shaolin Monks: 8 Hawaiian Koa: 10
       Ka'imi felt a wave of exhilaration come over him; he had scored two kills in a span of two minutes! "Such battlefield prowess with surely boost the mana of myself and my children he thought happily. Turning his head once more to his unfortunate compatriot (who had finally found his stone) he shook his head, this man's mana is so slow that when they got back to the islands Ka'imi was going to petition for him to be demoted to a Kauwa or slave. No times to dwell on such thoughts now though, as the robed men were only 20 meters away. Stuffing his ma'a into his malo for safe keeping, he grasped the handle of his three foot long swordfish pahooah and ran back to join his comrades in the phalanx, not bothering to see if Kaha'im was following.
     The gods had cursed Kaha'i , and because of that curse the entire expedition had suffered. Melancholy had seized him for a while now, ever since their boat crashed. Not being able to hit a single target hadn't helped his depression at all. But all that was going to change. The strangers were within 30 feet now and Kaha'i was confident that he could succeed this time. Putting the final stone into the sling he aimed at a particularly aggressive looking young man with an iron staff. Going through the usual motions he aimed right as the young man stopped and pulled something out of his sleeve. Kaha'i let the Pohaku fly just as the monk threw something of his own. Glints of silver and stone could be seen in the air and the Shaolin fell to the ground clutching his stomach. Kaha'i could not celebrate his final success however, as this opponent was more accurate then he was, and a knife was now sticking out of his forehead.
Shaolin Monks :8 Hawaiian Koa :9
 Kaimana sighed. One less Hawaiian to return to the isles. He could not dwell on that now as six robed men came within 15 feet  of the pikes  in javelin range, with the one of the metal staffed monks staying back to help his wounded fellow up. Giving the order the order to  Kekoa and Pōmaikaʻi   both men gave a great battle cry and  launched their Ihes at the robed men. The monk carrying the spear dodged it while the man with the shield blocked with it. With Kekoa now out it was now up to Pōmaikaʻi threw another one this time at the chest of the rather short man. To the amazement of all the Koa, this man did not dodge and merely stood firm, seemingly this man had a death wish. The javelin collided with his chest-and bounced off. To the utter shock of all the Koa the barbed edges did nothing to this tiny little man who was now pulling something out of his sleeves. 
 Taking advantage of the confusion and shock that he had caused, Shi Dejian unleashed his own ranged projectiles. The first man he aimed at, a pike man, took the dart in the neck . He dropped his pike and clutched his neck as Dejian readjusted his aim, choosing another pike man. In his haste the monk may have let the dart go too quickly as the projectile only hit him in the shoulder. It forced him to drop the pike but it did not kill. Seeing that the other monks were beginning to surround the formation and the savages had awoken from their awed stupor, Dejian took the risky move of throwing both darts at once. One collided into the forehead of the foreigner who stood at the head of the group,the other dug into the chest of the man next to him.
  Luck had been with Kaimana, and the helmet had stopped the dart from sending this koa to the afterlife. Ka'imi seemed to be okay as well, the dart didn't look like it hit anything important. ʻIolana, with a grunt of pain, pulled the dart out of his right shoulder and angrily threw it to the ground. He would have to play lefty for the rest of the game, but other than that he was fine.ʻImiʻike on the other hand...

 The warrior in question lay motionless on the ground in a pool of his own blood, inches away from him was the dart that took his life. The other Koa had tried to help him but against a wound like that there wasn't much that you could do to help, and the so called "seeker of knowledge" had quickly but agonizingly passed from this world. 

      In a moment of clarity, Kaimana deemed the Phalanx unsuitable for this fight, as there were not enough spears and their foes were simply too agile. He gave the order to drop the pikes and to charge into melee fight, thereby forfeiting the only phrase of combat where he had control. Only Ku, the god of war, could influence events now, and Kaimana silently prayed that he would do so in a manner favorable to the Hawaiians.  
Shaolin Monks :8 Hawaiian Koa :8
      With a great battle cry the Hawaiian warriors charged the Shaolin monks, ready for a  glorious fight that would earn them much mana. Only one man abstained: Kekoa who was winding up his Pikoi. Before passing the buck to the melee weapons, the last vestiges of ranged combat had to be done away with-for both sides. Pōmaikaʻi hurled his last remaining spear at Shi XingLun, nailing the monk in the chest, piercing both his lung and his heart. Cao Ji, who was limping back to the fray after being helped up Tianyuan, took out his remaining throwing knife and hurled it. 
 The last Shaolin melee weapon attempted to do to ʻAulani  what had been done to XingLun but the coconut armor of the heavenly messenger stopped the blade from doing anything more than a superficial, skin deep wound to the  Koa. The relatively uninjured Hawaiian pulled the knife out of his armor, threw it to the ground and charged at Tianyuan , as Hanohano took off after the injured man who had thrown the knife. 

   ElsewhereʻIolana and Chou Huibao were exchanging blows, or to be more accurate the Hawaiian was attempting to block the hooked spear of his opponent. Shi Dechan, who had thrown down his shield to use the Trident, and  Kaihe were swinging their weapons with such intensity that they were mere blurs.   Kaimana was doing his best to dodge the meteor chain of Li Shimin, while in another roped battle Zhu Xi was trying to do the same with Kekoa's pikoi. Shi Dejian and Ka'imi were going at it in a hand to swordfish dagger battle, while Pomaika was nowhere to be seen....
  Shaolin Monks: 7 Hawaiian Koa :8

 The following accounts occurred roughly around the same time....

  The Tianyuan/ʻAulani was a particularly fierce one. While the monk had the advantage of range his staff could do little against the coconut armor and helmet of his foreign enemy, both of which had taken repeated blows already in the melee. 'Aulani, wanting to finish the fight quickly so he  could move on, grabbed the staff when the monk attempted to bash him in the side and attempted to yank it out of the monk's hands. The stubborn monk refused to let go, so 'Aulani , with his right hand still grasping the staff, moved inward with his cruved dagger in his left. Tianyuan waited until he was in near striking distance and suddenly let go of the staff, causing the Hawaiian to lose his balance. The monk charged in, revealing his concealed emecei piercers. 'Aulani attempted a neck stab with his left, only for the offending hand to be blocked and stabbed with the monk's right emecei.  Twirling his left one around he stabbed the Hawaiian in the neck, spraying blood all over the veteran monk's face. Freeing his right blade from the man's arm, he finished him off with another stab to the neck, this one puncturing his spinal cord. Yanking both blades free and letting the Koa drop to the ground , he picked up his staff and went to see if he could help Cao Ji, only to find that he was beyond help....

     Cao Ji had been doing his best to block, but his wound made it to hard for him to strain himself too much. Cao Ji knew that he was going to die, if not from the duel wielding man before him then from his previously earned wound. The stone that was still embedded into him had shattered many organs, and the monk was slowly bleeding out from the inside. The loss of so much blood caused him to move slower ,  to put less force into his strikes and less effort into his blocks-and his enemy could sense this. Hanohano briefly put both of his weapons in his right hand, which his desperate opponent predictably tried to take advantage of. The Hawaiian enshrouded the staff in his cape and successfully yanked  it out of the monk's hands. Now weaponless, Cao Ji tried to side sweep the Koa's legs only for the Koa to jump over his attempt. A second punch only met with a more dismal result, Hanohano dodged it and slammed his Newa down on the offending arm, before moving in with Leiomano. Sliding it between the man's thighs, he cut the femoral artery and hurled him onto the ground, blood pouring everywhere. Reveling in the violence he put down his Shark toothed weapon and began slamming his club into the man's back over and over again. A fitting end to the man who had so recently beaten to death an unarmed woman.  
ʻIolana was having a rough time. His marlin bill pahaooah was about three feet too short to hit the Monk. Whats more he couldn't enshroud the fast moving Qiang with  his cape, having already taken the hook to the arm last time he did that.  The monk thrust his spear forward once again, which the Hawaiian only narrowly dodged . The Shaolin had been counting on him to dodge and dug the hook into his side. The belly band managed to prevent it from snagging an organ, but not from penetrating the flesh and the Koa cried out in pain. Taking advantage of this, Chou Huibao thrust the spear deep into his stomach. To the monk's horror, the Koa warrior merely gnashed his teeth and pulled the spear, and the Shaolin , further in until the monk was in striking range. 'Iolana knew he was going to die and had adopted a "if i'm going down your coming with me , kind of attitude", raising his marlin bill.  Huibao was having none of that. With speed that only a well trained monk could possess, he pulled his Dao out of his scabbard and gave a lightning fast horizontal slash across the Islander's neck. His arm went limp and his head detached from his body, hitting and then rolling across the Earth.  Huibao then had a even more difficult challenge ahead of him; pulling his spear from the Koa's body and prying it from his death grip hand. 
Shi Dechan and Kaihe were in a stalemate. The Koa kept on trying to stab the monk with his spear, but Dechan was swinging his trident around so fast that he was actually parrying the blows. Finally Kaihe attempted to sweep with it but this too was repelled, although the Hawaiian succeeded in forcing him to abandon his swinging motions. Pulling the spear back as quickly as possible he stabbed at the monk's chest, only for it to be caught between the prongs of the trident and snapped in half. In desperation the Koa attempted to bring out his final weapon, the strangulation cord , to at least attempt to parry trident and maybe disarm him with it but the monk was faster. He stabbed the Throngs forward, piercing his belly band and the organs underneath. Shi withdrew the trident and let the Koa fall to his knees before thrusting forward again, this time into the Koa's chest. Twisting it to ensure maximum damage, he withdrew again and let his opponent fall face down to the ground. He stabbed one more time, just to be safe, into his neck before pulling the trident out. Preparing to help Shi Dejian, who looked to be in trouble, he saw a white and brown flash before his eyes and a sharp tug on his neck. Taking advantage of the distraction but unfortunately too late to save his friend, Pōmaikaʻi had succeeded in getting his trademark tool around the monk's neck and pulled with all of his might. Shark teeth dug deep into the man's jugular as Shi tried desperately to pull out his Dao sword. Seeing this Pōmaikaʻi  only tugged harder, and the teeth pierced his prey's windpipe, cutting off the air flow to the brain. Shi Dechan struggled on for a few more moments before giving into the darkness that was death. 

   Shi Dejian and Ka'imi were essentially engaged in a parry/grapple fight. Ka'imi had tried to stab the monk two times with his three foot long swordfish bill, only to find that the monk was much faster than expected, and capable of easily dodging it. Yet when Dejian tried to disarm the monk he found that he couldn't, as it was attached to his arm by a cord. An attempt to grapple him also failed, as the monk's hands could not grasp the oily Islander.  Flashing a rather repulsive smile at the monk, Ka'imi head butted him, knocked him back. Not giving his opponent a moment to recover he dug his swordfish bill into the Monk's chest before he could prepare himself for it, driving it in all the way up to the hilt. Dejian was not finished however and despite his pain in his chest he jabbed him under the Jaw, sending him backwards and pulling out the dagger (since it was still attached to his arm), which sent more waves of pain through the monk. Not making the mistake of allowing the Islander to recover the Shaolin kicked him in the knee before closing in to do one of the most devastating combos in Shaolin martial arts, the Wing Chun punch.  Tucking his elbows behind his fists that were still carrying his two remaining darts from earlier; he used all of his energy to deliver a devastating barrage of fists to his opponents chest. Ribs were broken and the darts only served to exasperate the wounds. Dejian continued until all the strength left him and Ka'imi fell backwards, dying of all flail chest. A moment later Dejian followed him to the Earth, the earlier stab to the chest proving too much for him to overcome.
   Kekoa was easily keeping the novice monk at bay with his Pikoi, not allowing him or his deadly looking spade in reach . Zhu Xi was now too busy trying to dodge all the swings to try to close the distance-which is what master Yang Guiwu would have done, were he still alive. It was only a matter of time until Kekoa could land a blow, and unfortunately for the young monk that was sooner rather than later.  Kekoa used an old trick taught to him by his grandfather; he swung his club at the man's chest which forced him to block with his spade. The cord then made a loop around the the pole of the weapon, and with a brief twitch of the line it swung right back to hit the Chinaman's  chest. Kekoa could hear the ribs crack even from 15 feet away. He then yanked the spade away from the dazed monk's hands and tossed the weapon aside, in the direction of where Hanohano was still beating down that monk.  Desiring to finish his unskilled opponent to move onto the next, he threw his Pikoi at the Monk's feet, entangling them and causing him to trip. Kekoa rushed forward and before the monk could do anything to defend himself or untangle his legs, snapped his neck. 
Shaolin Monks: 3 Hawaiian Koa : 4
         Li Shimin was pissed. Not only had he failed to kill his agile foe despite many attempts to do so, but he had just witnessed his friend Shi Dechan's death as the result of a cowardly sneak attack. "No, I am not going let that son of a whore get away with such a cowardly action" he thought with revenge clearly on his mind. The Hawaiian in question was pulling the shark teeth from Shi's body and was a mere 15 feet away. A rather brilliant plan formed in his head. He swung his metal meteor chain forward in the way a child might do with a Yo-Yo. Kaimana shouted out a warning as soon as he realized that the chain was not directed at him- predictably of course.  Pōmaikaʻi had just enough time to turn his head, again as the devious Shaolin predicted. The metal ball collided with his face resulting in a sickening crunch. He fell backwards to the ground as the smiling Li pulled his chain back-only for it to be caught! Kaimana had rushed forward and grabbed the chain, and was now reeling  it's owner in closer. The two engaged in a heated tug of war with Kaimana at a clear advantage; in his younger years he was the captain of a professorial tug of war team.  Still the advantage was not overwhelming until Kekoa rushed over, grabbed the chain and overwhelmed the monk, who nearly flew forward. Li Shimin tried to perform a quick jab at Kaimana's neck so that he would have only one enemy to worry about but Kekoa grabbed his fist and twisted it around, forcing him on his knees. Taking out his curved dagger from his loincloth,  Kaimana yanked the immobilized monk's head back and coolly slit his throat. Holding the struggling monk until he was sure there was nothing to worry about, Kaimana let the monk fall to the ground as Kekoa went to check on Pomaika'i. The visible disgust on Kekoa's face, rare for a hardened warrior to show, told Kaimana the answer. Pomaika'i's face was mush with every bone broken in it. Luckily the strike had sent the cartilage in the nose into the brain so he hadn't had to suffer long but that was beyond the Hawaiian's knowledge. Kekoa picked up his fallen comrade's Newa and the pair of them, eager to take some of their anger out over the loss of another fellow warrior, rushed at  Chou Huibao, who had given up trying to pry his spear from Iolana's body and instead picked up Shi Dechan's shield, wielding it together with his Dao.  

Shaolin Monks: 2 Hawaiian Koa : 3
Hanohano  had just finished breaking every bone in his opponent's back when he saw a shadow cover his view. Moving as quickly as years of experience would let him, he turned to see a monk in the air with a metallic staff high above his head.  He only had a split second to take this in, and not time to raise his club as the Shaolin slammed the staff down on his shoulder, causing him to drop his Newa. The monk was in a furious disposition and delivered his neck blow to the side of the Koa's face, knocking him to the ground. One more precise blow was needed, this time to the back of the Islander's neck, before Tianyuan was finished. Taking a breather he observed the rest of  the field, and found to his anguish that it was littered with monk causalities; although these were balanced with the death of many foreigners.  Seeing that Huibao was being two teamed, Tianyuan snapped out of his grief and went off to assist him. But not before he discarded his staff for a slightly more lethal weapon....
Shaolin Monk : 2   Hawaiian Koa :2 

      When comparing  a Steel sword/Rattan shield vs. natural club or scalpel, the steel sword has a significant advantage. However when you are comparing the steel sword to both a natural club AND a scalpel , each being wielded by a different  warrior who are coordinating tactics with each other, well then the advantage becomes a lot less clear. This was the situation Huibao found himself in...

  He blocked an overhead club strike with his shield, but his attempt to take advantage of this with a sword thrust was stopped by the other's simultaneous attempt at a ball strike with his Leiomano, something which even the monk who did not feel pain at all wouldn't ignore. He cut the wood in half with his Dao, but his opponent had been waiting for this and threw his cape over the blade. Trying valiantly to prevent himself from being disarmed, he engaged in a valiant tug of war with the Koa , making sure to block the next Newa blow from the other warrior. Suddenly the Koa let go, throwing the Shaolin who had been tugging with all of his might off balance. This was all that was needed for his friend to finish the fight. Grabbing the shield with one , he raised his Newa over it and slammed it down onto the Monk's arm.Now in control of the shield he smashed the face of the Monk with it followed by more deadly smash with the club to the side of his face. The Monk's eye socket burst as the Koa mercifully finished him off with a blow to the skull. Kekoa was not given time to enjoy the fruits of his victory however, as a spade entered into his chest from the rear. Wrenching it out, the newly arrived Tianyuan eyed his final opponent.

Shaolin Monk : 1   Hawaiian Koa :1
 Kaimana and Tianyuan stared at each other for a few moments, before the former threw his shark toothed club at the latter. Not wanting to fight such a diabolical weapon with only a small club, he rushed off to get he Ihe that had miraculously bounced off the monk earlier. 

 Tianyuan's face had been cut up a little by the club, but other than that he was fine. He gave chase to his opponent, who was not fleeing as he initially thought but merely getting a longer weapon.

  Kaimana charged at Tianyuan, thrusting the spear forward only for it to be knocked out of the way with the spade. Trying a leg sweep this time, the Shaolin merely jumped over it and tried to pin the Koa's head with his crescent. Kaimana dodged this attempt and managed to sneak in a slash with the curved dagger upon the Shaolin's belly . Not acknowledging this, the Shaolin kicked him in the face and slashed with the spade as he fell backwards, drawing a line deep into his chest.  Once again Kaimana charged forward with his spear but this time Tianyuan instead of parrying it used his spade to throw dirt into his opponent's face. Blinded briefly, Kaimana was still aware enough to drop to the ground, dodging the spade's attempted decapitation blow. This allowed the Monk to pin him by the neck with the crescent. Standing over him, Tianyuan prepared to step on the blade and drive it through the man's neck as Kaimana turned to his last hope.

    Tianyuan put his foot on the crescent, right as Kaimana brought his spear up with his right hand. Knowing that he would only have one shot with this, he thrusted forward.  

   The tip of the spear pierced the monk’s eye, driving forward until it entered his brain. Tianyuan, perhaps the greatest of all the fighting monks, was dead.

  Kaimana laid there for a few more moments, allowing himself a bit of rest after an exhausting fight. Removing the crescent spade from its perch above his throat, he picked himself up. For a while he stood there, taking in the scene of carnage around him and shedding a few tears for Ka’imi, his best friend since he was six. Kaimana knew he couldn’t stay here however, as he could here shouts in the distance. With his body too weary and exhausted to fight, he reluctantly abandoned the bodies, taking only a few choice weapons and a trophy with him.

  Kaimana boarded the foreigner’s boat and cast off; just as a dozen more monks appeared on the shore.  “I am fortunate, that these warriors don’t know how to build slings or bows” he mused.

   Soon the coast was out of sight and Kaimana drifted into a long and deep sleep, not caring where the waves took him.


 To his Amazement, Kaimana had found himself not punished for the failure of the expedition, but rewarded. He  and his men had bravely fought off an attack by savages, torched one of their towns in reprisal and defeated all of their greatest warriors before the sole surviving member returned home . This was what Kamehameha had told the masses anyway, and Kaimana came to be regarded as a hero around the Island.  He was promoted to chieftain of his home town (if someone other than Kamehameha had ordered such a social upheaval he would have been butchered.), given a massive estate, and given numerous honors of the court. The blood stained Spade taken from the lead monk hung proudly in the lobby of his massive house, for villagers and even fellow warrior to awe at. Kaimana finally had the respect that he was so looking for when he had undertaken the expedition.

   Yet at the same time, Kaimana had difficulty feeling pride over it. All of the other men and women on his expedition died, and their death (in particular Ka’imi’s ) weighed heavily on his heart.

   Suddenly a call woke him out of his depressive reflections; A’alona(“exalted or high mountain”) , a warrior of his village, called out to him, saying  that a strange ship was approaching the shore. Curious, Kaimana went back to his home and put on his war cape, mahiole, belly band and newly awarded Coconut vest.  The now battle dressed Koa picked up his weapons as he headed out. He hoped that they had come in peace, but one can never be too careful…

  Luckily Kaimana wasn’t the only one that had come to this conclusion, and a small crowd of well dressed Koa warriors awaited him on the beach. They were all anxiously awaiting the arrival of a strange ship that was approaching them. It had a large sail, and looked to have been made from two canoes……..

   Mincaye had never been a man to forgive grudges, nor forget them. After traveling up along the coast for a while, had been lucky enough to land in his cousin’s village; who was kind enough to nourish him back to health despite having not seen him in over ten years. Once the Huaorani survivor became fluid enough to talk again, he told his cousin (named  Gikita Wawae) the sad tale of the fate of the village where they had grown up in. At first his cousin’s face registered shock, then sadness, happiness that they had been killed, and finally anger. When Mincaye asked for some hunters to avenge the loss of his family, Gikita enthusiastically agreed with the request saying “These Cowode think they can massacre our villages and somehow avoid retribution?  The families of these cannibals will pay for what their children, husbands and fathers have done to us, by that I swear cousin.”  And so it had come to pass; his cousin gathered up a few hunters spoiling for a fight and set off on the captured vessel.  They had expected for the Cowode to reside on an island just off the coast, by the spirits they had been wrong. They had been traveling for several weeks, only surviving due to the excellent fishing skills of one of their members and efficient water conservation. Some members had been lost to the great finned monsters that seemed to ceaselessly follow their boat , and still others had gone crazy from the poisonous waters of the ocean, and had to be thrown off the boat.

     Finally land was sighted, and the spirits of the Huaorani rose. People were starting to gather on the beach. When Mincaye got closer he recognized them as bearing the same complexion as the cannibals that had desolated his homeland. Gathering their weapons, the Amazonian hunters knew that they were going to be in a fight when they landed and prepared themselves for it.

*Back for blood sneak peak 1: Huaorani Amazonian tribesmen vs. Hawaiian Koa Warriors. WHO. IS. DEADLIEST!!

 Hawaiian Koa vs. Shaolin Monk results:

Hawaiian Koa
Shaolin Monk
Long Range:
Close Range:
Extremely Close Range:
Special :
Armor: Head
*Martial Arts:
*it was a hard decision but eventually I gave Lua the edge over Shaolin Kung Fu. The chilling amount of lethal moves that martial Art possesses would have given them more kills in the sim, and like Shaolin Kung Fu it incorporated many different weapons into its style.

  The long range superiority and tactics gave the Hawaiian Koa ultimate victory in this fight. The Shaolin really had nothing to counter the sling, and in some battles the entire contingent would have been wiped out before ever touching the Phalanx. Once the battle had reached melee proportions the double teeming and opportunistic tactics of the Koa helped overcome the superior weaponry of the Shaolin.  Had long range been axed this would have been a much closer battle, but as it is sling was the single greatest deciding factor in this matchup (unbelievable huh?)

Out of 1000 battles ;
Hawaiian Koa:
Shaolin Monk :
Long range:
Ma’a: 89 (Ihe counted for mid)
Throwing Dart: 10, Throwing Knife : 25
Pikoi : 60
Meteor hammer: 63
Mid range:
Polulu: 23 Ihe: 121
Trident: 80 Hooked Spear: 65
Close Range:
Leiomano: 53 Newa: 57
Dao : 54, Spade: 72
Extremely close Range:
Curved Dagger: 24, Strangulation cord:  19 (15 S.T.C.)
Emecei: 10, Hand Dart: 2
 Pahooah : 56
Staff: 35
Martial Arts:
Lua: 53
Shaolin Kung Fu: 29

Hawaiian Koa:

The Ma’a sling was a game changer. Not only were its hard volcanic rocks capable of getting 89 kills, it also assisted with a lot of other kills by other Koa weapons.  It outranged every other weapon by 10 and as such has an uncontested killing field of about 200 feet.
The multi-purpose Pikoi bashed or strangled the monks 60 times. It also got many assists from when the Koa tripped someone with it whereupon they were then dispatched with another weapon.
 The Polulu pike was not very effective as it was slow and encumber some and very easy to dodge. Still it had a strategic effect of keeping the Koa at bay long enough for their Javelins to be thrown and managed to impale 23 unlucky monks who managed to stray to close.

 The Ihe got the most kills of all the weapons in this fight. The Hawaiians were trained from childhood to throw it accurately and they brought multiple spears to the battlefield. While Iron shirt helped lower some of its potential kills it still managed to spear enough of the minor guys to achieve over 67 javelin kills. The rest were achieved at mid range fighting, which it was rather formidable at.

  Leiomano: This surgical weapon was technically outclassed by the rest of the weapons for this range, however the opportunistic tactics of the Koa helped give it 53 kills.

Newa: The rather lethal club sent 57 monks to their grave and broke innumerable bones in this fight.

Curved Dagger: Most of the  24 kills from this weapon came from throat slashes from behind, again as a result of the chaotic tactics of the Koa.

Strangulation cords actually helped block many blows and garroted 19 monks to death. 15 of these kills came from the more lethal shark toothed variant.

 The long Dagger got 56 kills making it equal to the other close range weapons. Hawaiians were famed for their daggers and it really showed here.

The Brutal martial Art of Lua utterly broke 53 monks. Perhaps one of the Deadliest in existence, it also helped with many weapon kills.
The helmet, belly bands and coconut armor helped reduce staff and projectile kills. The battle cape offered a strategic advantage of helping to disarm their opponents.
Tactics and training played almost as much importance as that of the ranged weapons, as the Koa brutally overwhelmed, double teamed, and ambushed the monks frequently.

Shaolin Monk:
 The Throwing darts managed to get a measly 10 kills. They didn’t break bones and they caused only small wounds, so unless it was a direct shot to the forehead or neck than more than not  likely the Koa survived…although it did wound them a lot.

Throwing dagger/flying knife did much better than the dart, achieving 25 kills. It was capable of greater wounds then the dart and sunk into flesh much deeper.

The Meteor ball got a whopping 63 kills. Its metal ball was capable of smashing bones, breaking ribs, battering in skulls or , as shown in the sim, bashing in faces. In some instances it was used to strangle as well ala Yuriko in Kill Bill.

The deadly three prongs of the trident earned it 80 kills. Each time you stabbed it would cause three different wounds allowing for quicker blood loss.  Technically if you were to cut out the Ihe javelin kills it would have been the Deadliest weapon of its range.

 The Hooked Spear earned 65 kills. It was extremely fast and versatile to use, but the Shaolin’s way of treating it as an upgraded staff stopped it from reaching is full potential. Ming Dynasty general  Yu Dayou would have agreed wholeheartedly with me.

  The Dao was an absolutely fantastic sword, and it earned 54 kills against the Koa. It could effortlessly hack off limbs and could be wielded with the Rattan shield, but it lacked the range and pure amount of options the Spade had.

  The Monk’s spade almost beat out both of the monk’s mid range weapons in kills, netting 72 or 8 shy of the trident. This weapon was phenomenal and gave you the most options of all the weapon in this matchups. You could distract with it by flinging up dirt, you could parry, you could pin, you could hack ect ect.

Emecei were great, fast daggers. Unfortunately the tactics of the Koa stopped it from earning more than 10 kills.
Hand darts were horrible and only managed to fatally stab the throat 2 times.
The signature weapon of the Shaolin bashed 35 people to death. What stopped it from doing more was The armor of the Koa which greatly limited where it could be used . Also it took repeated strikes to kill most of the time.

 Shaolin Martial Arts directly contributed to the deaths of 29 koa and assisted in a lot more. Nowhere near as Lua though….

The Iron Shirt stopped Mid-close range kills, however it couldn’t do shit against the ma’a.  The Rattan shield was the only thing that could prevent deaths at that range. The shield was excellent and helped lower Koa kills at every range

Tactics, with the exception of superior agility,  were a  mixed bag of help… although  training helped a lot.

  Well  I hope you enjoyed this matchup  as much as I did . Both warriors were fascinating to look up and I can promise you’ll see both of them again. Thoughts ? Comments? Please leave them as well as your prediction of the upcoming back for blood battle between the Huaorani and the Koa!


  1. Wow, this is incredible, Simply incredible. I'm going to have to work very hard to try and top this materpiece. Seriously, this is the best fight I've seen from you to date! I'm stunned.

    And best of all, the back for blood match is a crossover! yes, there is a plot and you're making a crossover of your own story! I'm indebted to you for you have inspired me.


  2. Simply amazing. When you first said you were doing this macthup, I though it was going to be Maroi vs. Monk all over again. the best thing about your matches, I learn things I never knew before. I've also researched some of your other guys, and i just can't wait for some of them.

    The Kan

  3. Really cool, I love how you cleanly transition to the next battle without skipping a beat! This one happened pretty much as I thought it would. I'm giving the early edge in the BFB to the Huorani, their bows will simply be too much for the Hawaiians to handle.
