Friday, March 4, 2011

Imperator Julius Caesar vs.King Cao Cao of Wei Part 2



Cao Cao was anxious, and with reason, as he was an at least 1000 miles in enemy territory in a hostile desert. Normally this wouldn't have been a problem for the warrior king of Wei, but the desert had struck him a great blow that the Parthian could easily exploit; a sandstorm had separated most of his army. The king cursed the unpredictable and often malevolent desert, for he wasn't entirely sure if he could make it out of this foreign land. He had been planning the campaign for a while: things in China were at a stalemate, and he needed to some form of edge to fulfill his mission of unifying the land. For that cause he set out to with roughly one quarter of his massive army (rest needed to stay in China to defend against Wu/Shu incursions) to seize as much of the Parthian empire as he could, and then force the Remnants the into vassalage. In doing so he could press the formidable Parthian cataphracts into service, in addition to all sorts' horse archers. His primary reason for launching this expedition was to gain direct trade access to both India and the powerful Daqin. Just as the Chinese were the masters of the Eastern half the Daqin were said to be rulers of the West. Cao Cao had wanted to see if the tales of these people were true for a long time, and would have certainly funded a diplomatic mission if only he had had the time. "The never-ending wars drain heavily on our people's progress; Lui Bei and Sun Quan are war criminals for disputing my rightful claims, as mandated by the emperor. Soon they will be executed as such, and then Cao Cao and his family could lead China into a new time of prosperity. But first to finish the conquest" thought Cao Cao "Focus on what's ahead of you before seeing what's beyond your vision." The conquest began less than 6 months ago and for a while it seemed like it would be a phenomenal success. The Kushans had been conquered and so had much of the Parthians. Apparently (they had learned this from prisoners) they had hit the back of the Parthian at the same time that the people the Parthian called the "Romani" (Daqin?) had invaded through the West. As a result the Parthian response to the Wei invasion was lackluster at best; troops were in greater need to defend the capital- which, Cao Cao had recently learned by means of spies, had fallen to the Westerners.

Looking over his remaining troops he was pleased to see that his elite heavy Calvary contingent had managed to come through the storm with insignificant losses. He had a sizable remnant of the infantry with him, and the surprisingly the nomadic horse archers hadn't abandoned him either."Maybe ill survive this disaster after all" he hopefully thought, as he looked at the peculiar bronze eagle standards that his troops had looted from the Parthian camp destroyed last week, "I wonder who created these? They certainly don't look Parthian..."
Turning those thoughts aside he prepared his men to march. The Parthian guide/translator Artavazdes (a prisoner spared only because of his multi-linguistic capabilities) assured the King that there was a water spring within easy walking distance. How he could discern any landmarks in this desert, Cao Cao did not know nor care; he only wanted water for himself and his troops. If the cowardly Parthian led him to the wrong place, he could always bury him alive in this hot sand.
Artavazdes hated the Chinese leader for destroying his livelihood, and spreading the turmoil that he claimed to hate in his own homeland, to the Parthian homeland. The coward king (for what right did he have to call any Persian a coward after his invasion?) had stabbed the mighty Parthian in the back, while they were presently engaged with a Romans, forever mortal enemies of his people. The Roman general, greedy and treacherous like all of his kind, none of the less possessed skill, and had a well experienced army. They were so strong that the Persian king at the time, called on the Parthian forces stationed to hold down Bactria and the Steppes to save the capital and Mesopotamia. . Well thanks to a stab in the rear from a most cruel and opportunistic tyrant the forces were unable to recalled, and Artavazdes had sadly learned recently that the capital had fallen and was systematically looted of all valuable, its king slain in combat. This Julius Caesar had proven himself to be the biggest butcher since that accursed Iskander.
Artavazdes wasn't sure how he was going to avenge either of these atrocities, but he vowed that he would not live the life of a slave to a foreign barbarian. He would have to play the coward a little while longer and plan his next course of action….
Julius Caesar was unhappy. This campaign that originally looked to be so successful had now taken a turn for the worse. He had already taken the Persian capital in an absolutely brilliant assault, and smashed their armies quite easily (which were, for some reason, smaller than expected). He had pursued the fleeing king into this desert, when a sand storm had appeared and separated the various legions of his army. Caesar felt no fear in his heart however, as he was with the most brave and loyal men of the tenth, who would gladly lay down their lives before allowing misfortune to fall upon him. The most powerful man in Rome felt some anxiety about the Celt/German auxiliaries though, who had just wandered into his camp in the past hour. Those were not the most faithful men, and had some resentment for their commander who was also their conqueror. "Luckily the 10th keeps them at a distance, but still can't be too careful". Caesar was now facing a tough decision, Should he wait in the desert for the rest of his men to show, or should he leave to save his precious tenth, possibly abandoning other legions to the merciless desert? Stragglers had been trickling in all day, and just within the last hour the Cretan contingent had arrived, but that was no guarantee that the rest of the army would find its way. He had set up a makeshift fort on the most stable patch of land his engineers could find, so he had SOME protection from surprise attack-even if they had built a small palisade and a dug a couple lilies, there was no real wall. The problem biting Caesar was that of his water supplies, ever a valuable commodity in the desert, were running low. They were exhausting the resources of the natural spring that lay in the middle of their camp.
Suddenly his scout came running up and reported a large force approaching from the East. They clearly weren't Roman. "Impossible!" Caesar exclaimed, "We have scattered the Parthian host to the four winds, in the same manner that Alexander did to their ancestors, they couldn't have-"Mustering his courage, the scout interrupted him saying that in addition to not being Roman, they weren't Parthian either. In fact the scout commented that he had never seen such a strange force, espying horizontal bows and ornate armor from a distance.
Startled by his scout's descriptions, Caesar ordered the troops into battle formation. Whoever they were, Caesar was not going to be caught in the unawares. Placing the men with the best eyes in each of his six towers (where there were scorpions) and ordering his legions and supporting auxiliary to stand outside of the force in battle stance, Caesar personally helped guide the carrioballistas from the fort. There Caesar waited to see his enemy's intent.
Cao Cao saw strange panoply of men standing in what was clearly a battle formation outside of the fort. Or what looked like a fort, really it looked like just a bunch of tents with some palisade defense lazily put up around it. Clearly these foreigners didn't know how to build a fortification. But they held something that he needed, and he wasn't about to back off from obtaining something so life-sustaining. Still his army wasn't powerful enough to risk a confrontation with an unknown enemy, especially one which he knew next to nothing about. Deciding diplomacy was the best answer in this case, he ordered his troops to go among the Parthian prisoners and pick out one that could understand both his language and be able to recognize and understand the foreigner's language. He found only one that fit this description: Artavazdes.
When he was but a little child his father had always wanted him to live an successful life. The same life that he felt he himself was denied by the ongoing wars of that time, never becoming more then a satrap's assistant. Artavazdes was given the best education money could buy, and was trained both in preparation for a military career and a diplomatic one. His father couldn't find out which of the major empires bordering Parthia's lands was in need of an ambassador so he did what every uncompromising, authoritarian parent would do in this position, he made his son learn the languages of both. Artavazdes childhood was one of immense hardship and boredom, studying day and night to learn both of these complicated languages, each one a world apart from the other, but after many lifeless years he succeeded in becoming a master of three languages. This was the man who found himself before Cao Cao that hot day.
The King of Wei demanded the identity of these strangers. Artavazdes was truthful; he informed the Chinaman that this was the DaQin that his people were so curious about. In addition the eagles that lay in his camp were also of DaQin make. Cao Cao, who oddly enough was not in usual warmongering mood, asked Artavazdes if he could translate for him in order to arrange for an n exchange of water, for the eagles. With an inward smile and a devious plan already forming in his mind, Artavazdes stated that he was only too happy to serve….
Cassius the centurion advanced to meet the two oddly dressed strangers. He was the escort of Decius, a Roman aristocrat who had studied at Alexandria, becoming Fluent in both Greek and Persian. Caesar figured that if these barbarians are in Persian land then they would probably have a Persian translator in their ranks. The Imperator seemed to have right again, as while one of them was of an unrecognizable ethnicity, the other was clearly Persian.
The four men were now in speaking distances of each other. Before Decius could open his mouth the Persian spoke in Latin
"There is no need to speak in any tongue besides your own, as I am master of three languages and am capable of being the translator for both of your forces, in the name of peace."
Cassius, suspicious of any man who claimed to speak in peace, said, "And how do we know that you speak with peace in mind, and do not have false intent in your heart?"
Persian bowed, and stated "Oh you are wise for being suspicious, as many in this country would lead you astray; however I am not one of them. This land has seen too much turmoil over the past couple years, and I would like to see it end; not begin anew in a battle between the forces who have claimed undisputed lordship over this land. My name is Artavazdes and my friend here is Dian Wei, of the Seres."
Well now we know why the Parthian armies were smaller then in past adventures, though Cassius. Still the veteran centurion did not buy into the Persian act. He was about to say as much when Decius spoke up
"What is it that his people want so that we could avoid hostilities? "
The Persian turned to his compatriot (master?) and translated the Roman's request. They conversed quietly between each other for a little bit, before the Persian gave his reply.
"The Seres seek the fort and all that is in it, for you are on the land that they had conquered from my people originally and thus rightfully theirs- in his opinion" he added hastily when he saw the angry look that Decius had on his face, not wanting him to kill the messenger. The Persian droned on" Furthermore the Seres king offers to graciously allow your forces to leave the fort and return to your own homelands, as all of Parthia is rightfully theirs, in his opinion. "
Red-faced Decius shouted "Tell him that he and his barbarous kind have no claim to these lands, as they belong to Rome, the one true Civilization of the World. It is he who should be begging us for protection."
The Persian translated this, a bit too eagerly the Centurion noted. He watched the Sere face fill first with anger and then downright rage. The Wei officer unsheathed his sword, which Cassius noted was very long and straight and seemed to be provoking Decius to attack him. Before Cassius could express his opinion that the Persian was lying, the hot-blooded Roman aristocrat charged forward, with gladius in hand. The Chinaman was prepared however, and merely sidestepped the undisciplined charge. Decius tried again to stab him again, only for the enemy to grab his arm and pull him over his shoulder, causing him to crash into the ground. Before Decius could try to get back on the offensive again, Dian Wei stabbed him through the neck. Dian Wei turned to meet his other foe, who he assumed would be charging, only to meet a long dart instead. Cassius had watched the quick exchange, and although he had Pankration training he was understandably reluctant to meet such a skilled foe, opting instead to stay long range and throw the Plumbata. This dart buried itself deep into the man's forehead, avenging Decius and ending his threat forever. Now turning to deal with the man who had caused this incident he wasn't surprised to find that the coward had already turned on his heels and ran. Sensing that he would never be able to catch him, he pulled another dart out of his belt and threw with accuracy born out of months of training with the weapon. It was a direct hit into the Persian's back.
Artavazdes could tell he was not long for this world. Although the Roman didn't follow him both men knew that he didn't need to, the dart had struck deep. How he was able to walk only the gods could tell, but he managed to limp back to the Wei camp. It was in a furry of motion; both sides had seen the interchange and both were now actively preparing for a fight. The Wei soldiers were moving their giant machines to the front, only half of which had wheels. The Dying Parthian did not envy the men who had to move the non wheeled ones.
Finally he made it back to the commander himself, who was currently livid as Dian Wei had been a close friend to him. Cao Cao demanded to know what transpired at the meeting so Artavazdes obliged him, telling how the DaQin viscously provoked Dian Wei in their arrogance, and demanded that Cao Cao surrender unconditionally. The Persian could tell that the shrewd tyrant did not believe him but it no longer mattered, the fight was on and Artavazdes was almost free of the forced servitude that the cruel Chinese had forced upon him. As Cao Cao turned to his lieutenant, probably to order the execution of the lying Persian in the most brutal manner possible, Artavazdes collapsed to the sand with a grin on his face. His people had been avenged.
Cao Cao was not the only military leader who was royally pissed off that day. Caesar, for once, did not want to fight a pitched battle, instead wanting to get out of this desert. With luck he could end this battle before it even commenced.
While it was obvious to Caesar that diplomacy had failed, the man was gifted with remarkable foresight. He had ordered his best and most accurate scorpion operator to track the surviving "negotiator" as he wandered through the enemy camp. With an eagle's eye and an eagle's perch in his tower he eventually spied the Persian kneeling down before an ornately dressed officer.
"Imperator do you want me to take the shot?" the operator asked.
"Not yet, wait for his back to be turned, we need to make sure that this is successful."

As the Persian collapsed to the ground and failing to get up, the Scorpion operator saw the Chinese leader(or at least according to the newly returned Cassius that's what they were) spit on his corpse and then turn to address his men.
The moment had arrived. Asking the gods to bless his shot he pulled back the trigger.
Cao Cao was in the process of ordering his crossbowmen to advance when he was rudely pushed to the floor. Flipping himself over to confront his assassin he was surprised to see that it was his bodyguard Xiahou Dun. Before he could order the man interrogated a large blur hit the man, sending him spiraling to the dirt. The speed which everything had happened stunned the king of Wei, and it took him a couple of seconds for him to get up. Cautiously moving to examine his loyal bodyguard, he found with sadness the bolt had pierced deep into his chest, penetrating through the Lamellar and finding his heart.
With a cry of rage Cao Cao ordered his crossbowmen to advance, with the rest of the army behind it.
Caesar was understandably disappointed. His chance to end this battle before it even began had just flown out the window, and now he was clearly in for a fight. Luckily his artillery was now in position, and currently being loaded. Seeing as the enemy was now in range and firing on his own men, Caesar ordered the artillery to commence bombardment at the same time he ordered his legions to move up in Tseudo formation, and the Cretans to move in behind them.
With luck he could keep the enemy pinned down long enough for the legion to breach. _____________________________________________________________________________________
Cao Bei moved from the front back to the third row. "It doesn't seem like we are making a dent in them" he thought. So far the bolts had just bounced off their shields. Cao Bei was in the second row now. The crossbowmen still had plenty of bolts though, and it was likely that it would do more damage when the slow moving "tortoise"formation got closer. First Row. As Cao Bei peered down the sights, he caught a glint of movement across the sun, and instinctively ducked. Looking at the man behind him who now had a giant bolt in his chest he thanked his ancestors for still being among the living. Although most of the missiles missed Cao Bei could see examples of the carnage all around him. Xia had a bolt in his leg and was currently wailing, probably not going to live, Yuan Bu was hit by some sort of metal ball in the chest – which had gone through and hit the man's leg behind him, and Lu Xian had been completely decapitated by a bolt, his head pinned to the ground behind him.
Reinforcements were called for and men replaced. "Such was the way of Wei", Cao Bei bitterly reflected as he fired into the mass of Red.
Cassius could feel the bumps against his shield getting more pronounced the closer he got. The arrows weren't sticking into the shield yet, but they would soon. He ordered his cohort to continue forward. Taking a chance glance sideways he saw that, at the moment, his other six centuries were doing fine, taking crossbow fire but still moving.
Behind that the other two cohorts were almost certainly holding up well, seeing as they weren't taking enemy missile fire. Or at least that's what Cassius thought, until he heard a series of loud crashes behind him.
Julius Caesar had come to the conclusion that he had underestimated the enemy artillery, or at least that's the finding that the giant whole in one of his centuries seemed to point to. The Century had luckily been in the third line, and it was able to successfully reform, albeit shakily, without fear of missile fire. Still at least ten men had been lost to the giant boulder that crashed into the middle of the Tseudo. Even though the enemy siege device were clearly marked with a lack of accuracy (five other boulders had missed horribly) this was still something he could not allow. So he ordered the ballistae to fire upon the siege engines they can see rather than the (currently) ineffective missile troop suddenly ten bolts came flying through the sky- at him! Ducking to the ground he heard loud metallic bangs all around him- and one scream. Raining his head he was horrified to see that while most of the bolts missed, one hit a tribune in the chest, skewering him. Caesar had seen a lot of battlefield wounds in his long career so the wound, although horrible to look at, didn't shock and anger him. What did was what the bolt was made of, the whole of it bronze, its head having a distinct eagle face. …
Cao Bei noted that behind the crossbow lines, archers were now firing, making death rain from above as well as in front of the DaQin. Still as far as Bei could see, it wasn't doing anything. And the Romans were fast approaching, just fifty yards away (Authors note: yes I know the Chinese didn't use this system of measurement). Suddenly he felt something slam into his right shoulder and was knocked to the floor. Gasping for breath, he saw that it was an arrow, and that by, by the grace of providence, had not penetrated. Looking around he saw that his was not a stray arrow, rather part of a volley. Luckily it was not a devastating one, as the lamellar armor and shields that were set up in the front every few feet to protect the front lines had done their jobs. Still he was saddened to see that a few fellow crossbowmen and archers had taken some arrows to the face or neck-including the man behind him, who had taken one to the eye.
Cao Bei was at the front of the row when he heard the cease fire order. Confused by this he looked around and saw that the archers behind him were now equipped with fire arrows, and the Lian Nu being reloaded behind them (the crossbowmen regretfully noted that the two . An officer came up and gave him and some of the men around him Cho Ku Nus, the repeating crossbow. It then came to him what his lord was planning…
The Siege machines launched a flurry of bolts at the approaching legion. Many of them fell short, or fell in the spaces between the centuries, but many more still connected, going through shields and men alike, finally piercing the Roman formation.
Now the crossbowmen at the front of the lines let loose their volleys as the Romans struggled to fix their formation. Crossbows pierced shields, digging deep into men's arms while the Repeating versions let lose their rapid bolts into the breaches. While many a Roman was saved that day by their bronze greaves and iron chainmail, a good many took bolts to the undefended parts of their body like the neck and arms. While these were not immediately fatal (except for the unfortunate few to have suffered a shot to the neck or face) their effect would soon be felt…
Fire Arrows rained down from the skies, frightening the Romans, and catching an EXTREMLY unlucky few in the face or neck. Still the bolts did not catch most of the shields on fire, and the few shields where the fire stayed alight the Romans used their swords and dirt from the Earth to stamp out.
Cao Bei had emptied the last of his clip into the breach, successfully hitting a DaQin in the arm. Although most of his shots did no damage against the foreigner's armor, a few, like his last got into a unprotected spot, which allowed the poison to make even shoe shots a kill.
The Romans had advanced a few more meters, and the commander had ordered the sword and spear infantry to move up, when all the suddenly the legion stopped. Curious Cao Bei braced behind one of the nearby shields, wisely as it turned out as another volley from their archers was unleashed. With fear he realized that half of their arrows were fire ones, while the other regular. "What goes around comes around" the now bitter Chinese crossbowmen thought as he heard men screaming in pain from getting hit by the ordinary bolts, and the more ghastly screams of those dealing with fire enhanced wounds.
As soon as he heard the last arrows touch the ground he peaked out from behind the shield, noticing two things. One his shield had taken five arrows and two the DaQin infantry were now holding large pointed metal sticks above their shields.
Cassius relayed the order to his troops, and with a great cry they released their pilums upon the enemy.
Cao Bei heard a great whooshing noise through the air and looked up in the sky to see a huge mass of javelins so thick that they blocked out the sun. Now scared for his life he hid back behind the shield. Looking sideways he saw the carnage that these weapons were unleashing to the Wei line. The fat spears were going through shields and hands, pinning them together much to the agony of the owners of those appendages. Cao Bei narrowly avoided his face getting speared in a similar fashion; a javelin had gone through his shield and stopped inches short of the now terrified soldier. All around him those unlucky enough not to have hidden behind shields were taking the full force of the javelins as they pierced whatever armor they hit. Finally the volley stopped and Cao Bei saw that most had not been killed, either not going through far enough or missing vital organs. However he did notice that everyone hit by these had trouble pulling them out, in fact it seemed like they couldn't pull them out at all! They were all struggling with the pilums when yet another volley of arrows came down, stunning some and knocking them off balance , killing some unfortunates with neck and face hits, and maiming still a few more with leg shots. Loud "boom" sounds and vibrations from the ground revealed that artillery had joined in the assault, killing a few more.
For this volley, Cassius ordered roughly a quarter of his men to hold onto their pilums, while the other ¾ quarters to unleash hell. He did not know if this is what the other centurions did, but this centurion though his decision wise, in case they had Calvary.
The Chinese front lines were in shambles, and a general charge was ordered into the chaotic Sere lines.
The Chinese front lines were in disarray as most of the men had giant javelins stuck in some part of their body. Nevertheless they tried to put up a valiant, if futile, defense. Roman steel crashed with Wei, and the Wei quickly found itself to be at a disadvantage. They were hard pressed to find an opening in the dense formation. Although a few Romans were killed here and there by the slashing Dao and rare Jian, for the most part the Chinese could not find an opening, and when they could Roman chainmail proved a powerful defense. Roman legionnaires grabbed the pilums sticking out of their counterparts and pulled them to the ground before giving finishing blows, whether they are by gladius, pugio or even by the soles of their spiked caligae boots. To the surprise and sorrow of their comrades, some Romans collapsed to the ground suddenly, as a result of the Poison from the repeating crossbows.


Cao Cao could see that the battle at the front was not going well so he ordered the reserves in….to simply occupy them. He knew that infantry alone could not win this battle. The barbarian tribes of the steppes were ordered to move out and pepper the enemy with arrows. This would weaken them for an eventual heavy Calvary flank and cause the Daqin Calvary to chase after them . With luck he would be able to smash them and remove them from the equation.
From his vantage point, Caesar signaled the Gauls. He had anticipated some form of horse archers, and as such had hid his Calvary behind a sand dune.

Modu, The Wua-Han Calvary commander, reluctantly moved out, grumbling as he did so. He had never liked Cao Cao, viewing him as an occupier rather than his ruler. The nomadic horse archers had followed him up to this point out of fear of reprisals in their homeland, plunder and money, but now they were beginning to wonder if they wanted to sacrifice their lives for this man. The Parthian armies had been half-staffed, demoralized and easy and indeed fun to slaughter! These strangers were organized, and well defended by their armor- Modu really did not want to charge into that.
The Nomads had managed to get to the side of the legions, and unleashed volleys upon the undefended and unsuspecting rear.

The unprepared Romans of the rear took the full force of the volley, as their shields were faced in the other direction. Without shields to protect them they were cut down in mass, arrows pierced the unprotected back of their legs, necks and arms. Had it not been for the chainmail the whole legion might have been compromised. A surviving Centurion wheeled himself and those lucky enough to have survived the volley around and formed a partial tseudo. While the unhurt men at the Front fought on, the ones at the back and read held up their shields, occasionally breaking formation as men would rush out from between the shields to pull wounded in.
Caesar had anticipated that he would be fighting some form of horse archers this campaign, which is why he brought both the Cretan archers and Celtic horsemen. He ordered his Cretans to open fire on the horse archers, while his Celts to travel hidden along some sand dunes.
Modu now had to deal with enemy arrows and artillery, the latter of which was especially disheartening to horses. While the arrows came from an inferior bow, and thus weren't penetrating into the armor of either horse or man, every so often a lucky arrow would connect with the neck or face or the man, or the parts of the horse they hadn't been able to armor. Thus the Xiognu-Wua-Han force was dwindling. Still orders were orders, and Modu tried to fulfill them as best he could, despite the fact that none of his comrades seemed to be able to get past the shield wall. Deciding that the effort was futile, Modu redirected his company's fire to the enemy archers, who seemed to be trying to light their arrows. The nomad hoped that the heavy Calvary would arrive soon, as he sensed something amiss with this scene. Where was the enemy Calvary?
At the front the heavy fighting continued in deadly earnest. And it was not looking favorable for Wei, Cao Bei gloom fully noted. The Chinese had been forced to abandon their spears and long Daos, as the fighting had become so cramped that they were no longer able to be used without accidently stabbing the man behind them. In fact the fighting was so restricted that it was even hard to use the regular Dao or officer's jian, and the soldiers/officers with daggers were now using them. Even these small instruments were having difficulty fitting through any holes in the legion. Cao Bei himself was using a different and innovative tactic, one that was certainly more effective than his comrades. Taking advantage of the fact that his enemy was usually distracted by the man in front of him, he was using said distraction to fire his crossbow at the head of the enemy soldier whenever the shield was low enough, afterwards slinking back into the crowd. Cao Bei was proud to note that he had killed 6 DaiQin this way, and was working on his seventh. Sneaking his way just up to the front line, he took aim at the enemy soldier who was fighting the guy just in front of him.
With a smile he was about to fire when A HAND suddenly grabbed his crossbow and pulled, taking Cao Bei with it! Cao Bei, now drawn out to the front, took out his own dagger to try to kill his assailant-only to find his arm grabbed, and a spiked boot give a bone shattering kick to his groin. Cao Bei screamed in pain-only to have a shield bash end such sounds. Groaning in pain on the ground, a gladius strike to the throat soon ended those sounds as well. As he drifted off into the eternal sleep Cao Bei could only hope that he did his ancestors proud.
Withdrawing his sword from the now limp Sere, Cassius was glad to have ended that crafty enemy. The Battle was going well for the Romans, and they were slowly pushing Chinese back. Now Cassius was unfamiliar to the language of these strange men, but the looks and smell of fear was universal, and the centurion had enough experience to know they were probably going to rout soon. Yet for some reason the battle did not feel like it was over, in fact far from it….
Caesar was happy see that the battle on the front was coming to a conclusion. He decided that now was time for him to join his men. Gathering his attendants, he left the watch tower to go put on his armor, as the Gauls flew from the dunes, charging towards the horse archers.
The blue chested savages were flying at the Xiougnu with frightening speed, Cao Cao and his heavy Calvary were nowhere in sight and now flaming arrows were raining down on them, scaring horse and men alike. All this made up Modu's mind for him. Desiring life over an oath of fealty he ordered his fellow nomads to retreat. With luck they'd make it back to their homeland.
The Gauls roared in triumph but this was short lived. A thunderous roar could be heard in the distance, approaching them and they turned to see a mass of armored Calvary charging forward. Knowing that they were in for a fight, the Celts charged forward.

Crossbow bolts flew from the Wei line, taking down many a Gaul-most of who were unarmored and possessing only shields. When in range the Gauls returned fire with Plumbatas and the occasional thrown Lancea. While these took down a few heavy Calvary with lucky shots to the horse or rider it was clear that it wasn't enough. The two lines now crashed into each other, lancea and qiang piercing each other's armor or else striking with enough force that rider was knocked off horse. The Celts were lighter, more maneuverable and more zealous, the Wei better trained and more heavily armored. In the end as the Lanceas broke off in the Chinese armor and the Spathas were pulled out, the armor facto came into play. The Spatha, though a great sword, could not slash through the iron armor of the Chinese and relied almost solely on the neck slice(which were not as rare as implied) , while the Dao and Guan Dao cut deep into the flesh of all but a few Celts that were lucky enough to have worn chainmail. Even they fell to the Jian sword or Qiang spear. It was a brave effort by the Guals, but ultimately futile, as only the Roman Legion could have a chance of beating the Oriental Cataphracts.
As the few remaining Celts fled the field, Cao Cao thought of his next move. He would not allow anger to dictate it, and thus would not be hunting down the barbarian cowards of the Xiougnu (there was plenty of time after the battle for that!). Suddenly arrows started raining down on his forces. These did relatively little damage, but they gave Cao Cao a brilliant idea. If he could take out the Archers that would position him in between the enemy infantry and camp, allowing him to launch strikes both against the infantry's rear and camp, where he could decapitate the enemy commander.
He lead his men in galloping toward the enemy archers-only 300 yard away, briefly reminiscing of his younger days as he did so. His heavy Calvary had served him well in the campaigns against the Wua-Han and most excellently at GuanDu, and he expected that it would serve him well here too. 200 yards. Artillery had joined in the archer's volley, causing a few causalities among his men. The Cataphracts were disciplined enough not to show fear, and horse equally well trained. 100 yards. Second volley, few more deaths. One giant bolt, larger than the one that had taken out Xiahou Dun, hit the unfortunate fellow riding next to Cao Cao, pinning him to the Earth. 50 yards: Oddly the Cretans were not retreating, shocking Cao Cao as most archers try to flee before charging Calvary (in vain of course!). Either these men possessed the hearts of dragons or ---- Panicking Cao Cao ordered his Calvary to halt, but it was too late for the men in the front rows. Horses collapsed from spikes in their feet and men flew from them, landing with loud crashes upon the ground . The Remaining horse reared- right what the surprisingly calm Cretan archers were waiting for. Letting loose their next volley it hit a good percentage of the first row horses in their unprotected stomach.
Cao Cao now had to make a tough decision. With the archers protected, should he attack the legions still engaged in fighting the remnants of Chinese ground or go for the main camp? Scanning the camp he couldn't really see many, but those he saw were running to and fro. They seemed panicky, most of their men must have been at the front. This made up Cao Cao's mind for him – the majority of his elite Calvary would smash the shield wall while he would lead his best retinue to decapitate the enemy commander, which he would then show to the remaining Romans.
So it was that Cao Cao's elite retinue went to invade the camp, while the rest stormed down upon the legionnaires.
The Cataphracts connected with the Romans, smashing through the shield wall, sending men flying. Qiang tip went through shields and armor equally well, and horse trampled many otherwise stunned men. The Roman line was in disarray, and the heavy Calvary of Wei exploited that. Those with the Guan Dao reached out and hacked off arms when the Romans dared leave them undefended, and those crossbow bolts from the Calvary that carried them filled the air, going through chain mail with ease. The remaining Chinese infantry at the front made one last push, in a effort to trap and ultimately surround the Romans.
Cao Cao realized that to get in the camp you had to dismount, as there were simply too many palisades. Ordering his men off the horse, they then entered camp; cautiously in case the enemy had more of those spiked mines. This proved to be wise as suddenly one of his men gave a cry as he fell into a large hole with a wooden pole sticking out of it, impaling his foot. The man's cry alerted a Roman artillery crew who amazingly hadn't seen Cao Cao and his group come in. Ordering his men to watch for holes, he charged at the crew as they drew their swords—however they were simply no match for martial prowess of China's strongest military leader. Dodging one attempted slash, he grabbed his arm and twisted it around, before sinking his Jian deep into the man's back. Sensing another coming to his flank, with lightning fast reflexes he drove the Jian into him, going through chainmail and out the back.
Cao Cao ordered his men on, as he noticed a rather old important looking man step out of a tent wearing ornately decorated bronze armor. _______________________________________________________________________________
Cassius ordered the remaining Pilums that had not been thrown to be brought to the rear, where they were desperately nearing. It was by the good fortune of the gods that the charge hadn't occurred earlier, as the front line men were too weakened after prolonged fighting to press much of an advantage. His men were tired too, but Roman Centurions had long since instituted a policy of switching tired front line men with fresh reserve ones during intense battles.
With Pilums brought to rear the balance of power shifted. While Heavy Calvary is quite capable of an impressive charge, they can hold no hope against massed infantry in a pitched battle. As far as the eye can see men were being dragged down from their horse, either hand pulled by a mass of Romans or stuck on pila. Once on the ground they were hacked to pieces by gladii, or else crushed beneath the spiked caligae of the Romans. The Cretan archers had abandoned their bows, and now rushed in, keen to get a piece of the action. Between the Romans and Cretans the horsemen had no room to maneuver, to fight.
Julius Caesar caught sight of the Sere leader just as he left his tent, surrounded by his adjundants, bodyguards (instituted after an unsuccessful assignation attempt during the Ides of March) and staff. The two sides stared at each other for a few moments-the officers and elite of each side, before firing what long range missiles they had left at each other. Plumbata and bolts flew through the air, and men on both sides were struck down, as the ruling army hierarchy of both sides charged towards each other, in the climax of an already massive battle. Cao Cao seemed intent on killing Caesar himself, and dodged a tribune's overhead slash, kicking the back of his open leg and slitting his throat with a dagger. His opposite Caesar was showing that he was not unfamiliar with the way of the sword either, catching a Dao blade between his pugio and gladius and flipping it out of its master's hand, before delivering the coup De Grace to his face. Removing both blades the two leaders stared at each other for moment, and the Cao Cao commenced the hostilities by throwing the gladius of the soldier who he just killed at Caesar. The veteran general narrowly dodged this, falling to the floor and dropping his gladius , but the blade hadn't been intended to kill, merely to distract. Cao Cao closed the gap and aimed his Jian straight for the heart of his downed enemy, but Caesar knocked it aside with his pugio. Caesar then used his gladius to slash at Cao Cao's arm, wounding him and causing his enemy to snarl. He then punched Caesar in the face and attempted to run for his Jian but Caesar tripped him, an act which earned him a kick in the face. Spitting out a tooth, Caesar then stabbed the offending member with his pugio, an act that earned another snarl from Cao Cao. Kicking sand in Caesar's face and kicking him again, Cao Cao limped to his Jian successfully reaching just as Caesar recovered and picked up his Gladius. The two men then dueled as the battle raged around them, many on both sides having already fallen at this point. For a while neither side could find any sort of opening, both men were simply to skilled. Finally Caesar found an opening and stabbed Cao Cao's sword arm, forcing him to drop it . With a roar of rage Cao Cao grabbed the Hand holding the gladius with his other hand and twisted, breaking it and forcing Caesar to the ground. Cao Cao then kicked him backward to the ground and pulled out his dagger-right as Caesar unsheathes a second pugio. Driving upwards his blade struck home first, lodging into Cao Cao's skull. The most powerful man in China was now dead.
Without taking a break Caesar got up and rushed to help his remaining men- but there was no need. Upon seeing their leader dead Cao Cao's men lost heart and fled. The Day was now Roman.

Winner Julius Caesar!
Check out the other two posts first!
Cao Cao
Long range
Mid Range
Close range
Armor: head
Armor: Torso
Armor: legs
Tactics, Leadership, BF
Rules of Combat
Martial Arts
Another close and intense battle! In the end the it was the superior training, armor and closerange fighting capabilities of the Romans that carried the day. These guys were also competentatevery range, and were only narrowly behind Wei in every range that they did not get theEdge. Thesuperior defense I think is the biggest reason for Roman victory, as not even thepowerful crossbowscould get past the chainmail/scutum of the Romani. In nomen of JuliusCaesar victoria estperficio!
IF we have to go by traditional Deadliest Warrior style then we would have to judge only Caesarand Cao Cao deaths. So out of 100 battles I believe it would go something like this
Cao Cao
Ballista: 6 Scorpion: 18
Lian Nu:4 Catapult: 7
Long Range:
Cretan bow: 36 Pilum :74Plumbata: 23
Crossbow: 106 Composite bow:40Cho Ku Nu: 25
Mid Range:
Hand Pilum :20 Lancea: 45Caltrops:56 Lilly: 2
Guan Dao: 49 Qiang: 86
Close Range:
Gladius: 152 Spatha:54
Jian: 49Dao: 64
Pugio: 17
Daggers: 10
Martial Arts:
Pankration : 4
Various Chinese martial Arts: 13
Caligae: 1 Direct scutum shield bash:13
Trampling: 26
Ballista: Like in Alexander vs. Atilla artillery generally was not that good at killing individualpeople.Due to their now being massed artillery on the field; it did get 6 luck bolt or stone shots onCao Caothough.
Scorpion: With its alternative function as an early sniper, this was able to successfully paint atarget18 times. Certainly the best of the siege weapons here.
Cretan bow: Lacked the draw power of its Eastern counterparts and thus wasn’t able to punchthrough armor often. Still was able to get 36 kills, mostly neck shots.
Pilum: Massed pilums were able to penetrate armor and shield, often making either unwieldy.Whilegreat assistors they were also capable of getting kills by themselves, especially when thepissed offenemy tried to pull them out, ultimately creating a bigger wound. 74 standalone killscan be attributedto this ingenious weapon, and many more assisters. In fact it affected thenumber of kills of everyweapon that followed.
Plumbata: the Stealth and surprise factors of this weapon, plus accuracy of the throw, got it 23kills.It wasn’t very common during Caesar’s time, and thus it wasn’t used as much as the Pilum.
Pilums were preferred to be used as throwing weapons, being unsuited for a close combat roledueto its tendency to stick into a target. When it was used for front-line action though, it wasable tofatally stab 20 people.
Lancea: This Celtic spears ability to be thrown, use from horse-back, and penetrating power gotit45 kills. Cao Cao’s Calvary was superior to the Celtic though, which stopped it from gettingmorekills.
The best weapon of the Roman mid range was, surprisingly, the Caltrop. Why did it get so manykills? It is easy to conceal, sinking just deep enough into the sand/grass/mud to where it washard tospot even by someone actively looking at the ground (which they wouldn’t be doing, theywould belooking at the enemy). And when Cao Cao, who fought on horse, lead charges he wouldoften runinto these ancient mines. When this did happen it would immediately cripple the horse,causing it tofall and the Chinese warlord to fly forward-often at very high speeds. This wouldresult in a lot ofneck injuries or Cao Cao flying into more caltrops- causing more wounds andeventual bleed outs. Inaddition Roman soldiers could quite easily kill a stunned Cao Cao who hadjust been thrown from hissteed. Thus I feel justified in giving it 56 kils.
Lillies caused two bleed outs. Only found around the Roman fortifications they weren’t oftenencountered, and when they were Cao Cao wasn’t often the first to encounter them. Had someassistors as well.
The Gladius short sword got a whopping 152 kills, the most of any weapon. Why? It was themainfocus weapon of the Roman army, it was easily used from tight formations, it was theweapon theywere most trained with, and the Gladius/ Scutum was the best combo in this entirematch.
The slashing Spatha ease to use and ability to be used from horseback got it 54 kills. Not bad, butit shouldn’t be labeled a gladius replacer (even though it historically wasL) .
The Gladius was much proffered, but the pugio still got 17 kills in emergency situations.
Pankration broke the enemy completely four times. Yes a martial art where you are taught fatalchoke holds, how to deal out bone breaking injuries, and where nothing is barred can kill people.The only factors that stopped it from getting more kills is the closeness of range required, andthefew number of Romans who knew about this Martial art.
One fatal curb stomp by the Caligae boot was administered on Cao Cao. How embarrassing.
Scutum bashes directly killed the Chinese Warlord 13 times. Had many assistors when combinedwith gladius.
Armor greatly reduced deaths, as did the shield.
The light Celtic Calvary proved competent at times, particularly at flanking movements.
Cao Cao:
The Lian Nu was horribly inaccurate even at close range, and even then it was more likely to hitthelegionnaires around Caesar then Caesar. When it did though he was often quite dead.
The Catapult fared better, with 7 crushing kills to its name. It was able to be fired moreaccurately ata distance then the Lian Nu, and when it came down everything its vicinity waswounded or killed,especially when set on fire.
Crossbow: This was the best ranged weapon in the entire battle. It could be used fromhorseback,had unmatched accuracy, could penetrate the Roman shields, and was used in fire byline formation,allowing for a greatly faster rate of fire. Although limited in that it couldn’t getthrough Scutum +chainmail, it could was still able to destroy Caesar 106 times.
The Composite bow was stopped by the Scutum a lot, but it was still able to get through maimandfatally wound Caesar 40 times. Most of these deaths came from the horse archer variant.
The Cho Ku Nu was able to achieve 25 kills, which is not coincidently the number of times it hitCaesar. The fact that every hit by this repeating crossbow and that when massed dozens ofcrossbows are flying at you, helped the Chinese achieve victory, for even the tiniest of hits was akill.
Guan Dao was able to be used to hack and slash Caesar 49 times. Being used from a horse helpeda lot in hit and run attacks.
The Qiang was the best weapon of mid range, its steel tip being able to go through mail, bronzeorScutum and Kill Rome’s greatest son 86 times. Also the ground version suffered due to Romancramping tactics, the Calvary version was devastating.
The Jian fatally stabbed Caesar 49 times. It was stopped from getting more kills by the rarity ofitsuse (only officers).
The Dao was used more and as such got 64 kills. While it could be used to stab, in close quarterfighting it really suffered due to the cramping tactics of the Romans.
The rarity of good Chinese daggers meant that it got only 10 kills.
The Various Chinese martial arts led directly to 13 Caesarian deaths. Again it was hard to do thiswhen you are fighting a mass of shields.
26 times Caesar was trampled to death under the hooves of the Wei Calvary.
Tactics and armor certainly helped ambush Caesar and reduce the effectiveness of some Romanweapons, but it simply wasnt enough.
With that said it was a narrow victory for Caesar, and a good fight for Cao Cao. Join me next timefor a fight between two martial art masters that you certainly won’t want to miss. Till then!


  1. Afan. Glad to see you up again. I have made an account here as well. I hope others will follow. Check up some of the matches I'll be making soon.

  2. Nice battle, I can't believe that Ceasar won (sarcasm.) No idea when I'll be making more matches on here, but I'll probably have to abandon the tournament.

  3. Nice work! I also created an account on here as you can see I hope others join!

  4. heeey

    awesome work. Im really glad julius ceasar, one of the best warriors in history has won this battle.

    i will start soon again too
