Friday, May 25, 2012

TOM: Victory and rewards system!

*sorry this preview will have no pictures :(

Hello there! Unfortunately writing Mewtwo vs. Aang is taking longer then I thought so starting on Kerrigan vs. Magneto has been a little delayed. However since I am going to try to update at least once a week (or failing that, bi-weekly).  with little miscellaneous tidbits. The first of which is going into greater detail regarding the reward system. 

What is the reward system? 

  The reward system is a format in which spoils or gains are given to the winner of each round in order to ensure both their long run competitiveness and to provide for a surprise every round. This system is also made to ensure that more factors in then just strength; it will measure how well warriors do in new sets of circumstances. 

What Can they get?

Though exceptions will exist, for the most part what winners can get is split into the following categories:


 This concept will be the most common gain in the tournament, and it refers to enhancing already existing powers in a character's arsenal. Galen Marek has acquired Pyrokinesis; the mental manipulation and creation of fire, which contains properties that actually make it a sub-category of telekinesis. Thus this will be included in the Marek's already formidable long range as a technique Marek may use. 


 This is self explanatory; some people will gain completely new powers from defeating an adversary. For example if Alex Mercer beats Alucard and absorbed him he could gain a series of completely new powers like becoming liquid-like intangible, being able to summon the souls of those he had consumed before (though it will come at a price!), and a very special unique offensive ability. 


 Another one that requires no real explanation. Some characters will be able to loot their opponents arsenal. I.E. whoever defeats Marek gets a lightsaber; the Elder Wand is up for grabs if someone can wrest it from Dumbledore's grasp. 


   If Kratos were to beat Batman, he'd get one HELL of a pre-battle bonus. As victories mount, the winning characters are going to see their compounds greatly expanded to take into account their new bonuses, which can include either their opponent's or some unique people/items from their own universe (Marek got his mentor Rahm Kota). 


 Often times this falls into the category of "new powers" but nevertheless new defensive equipment can be up for grabs here. An example is if Aang beat Mewtwo he can replicate the Pokemon's bubble shield through his new bending style. 


One of  the of the rare types of gain and almost exclusive to "consumers" (more on that later), characters capable of this gain will see various x-factors score increase. Marek got a slight speed increase from beating Azula and learning her propulsion move. 

The very rarest type of gain, this only really refers to two people initially;Alucard and Arthas Menethil. Any people these two kill join their armies and fight alongside their new masters in the next battles. 

Of course there may be some miscellaneous types of gains mixed in so this list isn't definitive but in general this is what you can expect. In addition it is possible to inherit some weaknesses from gains taken. 


 These listed below are the most notable factors but not all of them.

1. "Consumers" :
The "Consumers" trait refers to the ability gain new powers/abilities as the tournament goes on  either through personal traits (Rogue, Alex Mercer, Alucard, Arthas, Jackie Estacado) or retinue (Sarah Kerrigan).  It is also worth mentioning that it is possible for another character to become a consumer. This is a positive modifier to the amount of gains each of them will get.

2. Personality/alignment:
This modifier effects whether a person is willing to go the extra distance to gain new powers or what powers they will work for.   For example power hungry Azula would probably turn into a vampire willingly if she beat Alucard (somehow), while Batman would not.  However its a bit more then that as alignment (good, neutral , evil) is  also taken into account. 
Thus If Capt Marvel beat Arthas i'd doubt he'd pick up the cursed Forstmourne, while Mjolnir would never consider anyone with a corruption level higher then 40 worthy. Could be a positive or negative modifier.

3. Strength Level: 
Refers to how strong and powerful the character is; with the strong and powerful having less to gain simply because they already most of what they could gain. Simply put Thor already has much of what Superman could offer him, and will only get a very limited amount for beating him. However  Marek will gain a lot because he has more room to grow so to speak. Either a Positive or negative modifier. 

4. Intelligence:
The version of Doomsday used is a big dumb beast, and he would have little use for various items he'd gain along the way of killing like the Helm of Nabuu, Goku's staff ect. Someone like Batman will probably find some rather innovative uses for whatever he'd gain should he win. Again either a positive or negative modifier. 

5. Unique Applications: 
Not a plus/minus modifier per say...
When Possible I believe every character should use their newly acquired gains in ways that would be unique to their character. For example Arthas could see some certain "dark spells" boosted in effectiveness for beating Jackie and Azula would have gotten a version of telekinesis based on heat; i.e. the hotter something is the more control she has over it. Other possible applications include Kerrigan absorbing DNA from Magneto's astral projection to create a fifth clone, this one capable of some moderate powers by itself.

*Note that I am going to try to limit myself to what each warrior could ACTUALLY gain from another as much as possible; Batman won't be getting powers as he has never shown himself capable of superpowers (though there exists 1 or 2 ways that he hypothetically could). This rule will effect all characters in some way though "consumers" can skirt around it to a slight extent. This rule does not effect however "immortal gains" however. 


 Some of you have expressed concern that this tournament will eventually become a "top vs. bottom" scenario where too extremely bloated characters wield the powers of their entire half tiers. This is something I want to avoid, and for gains purposes only those that immediately precede the current battle will also be counted, and even those at a reduced rate. I.E. If Rogue fought and beat Marek in round 2, who previously beat Azula, she'd only get a limited amount of gains from Azula in addition to more from Marek. I can see her with Azula's immortal gains plus slight propulsion ability, and then whatever she gains from Marek. However if Kratos were to beat Rogue third round he'd get some of her powers/equipment, a little bit of Marek with nothing from Azula/Raven except "immortal gains". Immortal gains are the exception to this "no stacking rule".


This is what I feel makes the tournament most interesting. Each warrior will up to two  unique gains or traits about them that will never disappear from circulation, even if the current wielder cannot or will not utilize it (Batman will not become a vampire, which is Alucard's immortal, however if Kerrigan then beat him she could choose to become one if she wanted. Another example is how certain characters can "own" Mjolnir the Hammer of Thor but only a very select few can wield it).  Each immortal gain is weaker then it was when in it was in possession of its original owner. The immortal gains do detiorate somewhat as they change hnads but never completely. 
 Currently this is a rough draft of such a list that each person offers:

* note that all titles come with some powers, equipment, pre-battle ect. 
Dr. Strange: Title:  "Sorcerer Supreme" -those deemed eligible of any alignment can become the new sorcerer supreme and some of the powers that come with. 

Dr. Fate: Helm Of Nabuu/New Lord of  Order : Similar to above, with some limited power gain to those that are eligible. 

Goku: Kamehameha blast & Ability to temporary boost energy output via Kaoken (can't give anyone else Super Saiyan power up as they are not Saiyans)

Doomsday:  Low-mid tier adaptive resistance. 

Reimu: Some of her more powerful card attacks.

Captain Marvel: SHAZAM!

Thor : God/Goddess  of Thunder title/Mjolnir. The Title means some control over weather. 

Superman : Laser vision, increased durability if said character doesn't have it. 

Alucard: Ability to turn into a "true vampire", Jackal. 

Alex Mercer : Blacklight virus infection. 

Jackie Estacado: Darklings/some amount of Darkness control

Arthas Menethil : Title: Lich King/Helm of Damnation, Frostmourne

Spawn : His suit, ability to manipulate necromagic to some degree. 

Ghost Rider: Chains, some Hellfire manipulation. 

Aizen: Zanpakuto/Kyoka Suigetsu

Shadow: Chaos Emeralds

Magneto : Mistress/master of Magnetism/ Magneto's helmet. The title means some ability to bend metal. 

Sarah Kerrigan: King/Queen of Blades/psionic Storm. The title refers to the gain of several Zerg traits, as well as Abathur. 

Mewtwo: Shadow Balls/Spoon

Aang: Title: Avatar. Limited ability to greatly enhance power for a time, I have something unique planned for this state. 

Eldrad : His Staff and some Foresight abilities. 

Alduin: Dragonscale armor, FUS RO DAH!

Dumbledore : Elder Wand + some spells

Palaptine: Ability to use Fore Lightning or a variant, lightsaber. 

Rogue: Vampire Touch

Raven: Ability to manipulate "Soul self". 

Azula : Blue-Fire Firebending

Marek: Lightsaber, Proxy

Batman : Bat-cave, utility belt

Kratos : Title Gained: God/Goddess of War. Title includes temporary rage of sparta move + Blade of Olympus. 

Hulk: Hulk transformation

Doctor Who: Tardis for pre-battle only (did I mention that I have a no time travel rule at all for this tournament :p?), Sonic Screwdriver. 

There is also an additional modifier known as "victory condition" which is effected by how a person achieves victory.  These are relatively minor advantages in comparison to above but it does seek to award those who can pull off extremely difficult victories. I did not include it in the other sections as it does not effect victory gains (i.E. power equipment ect) but how some of those gains are benefited next battle. 

The five Levels of this system are 
Mortal Wound
Knock Out
Unwilling Surrender
Willing Surrender

A kill equals all post battle gains intact, but no other advantages. 

A knock out with serious injuries would give the winner some additional prep-time, about two hours. 

A regular knock out with non-life-threatening injuries would give the winner  four hours of prep time.

Unwilling surrender ups the amount of time to six hours, and would allow the winner to review a map of the battlefield for up to 10 minutes before being summoned to battle. 

Perfect Victory =  8 hours addition prep time, ability to review a map of battlefield for up to 20 minutes before battle, and starts out on the battle five minutes before opponent does ( but does not know where the opponent “spawns”, and the opponent will not be able to spawn in sight of him).

 None of these "stack" meaning that a person who k.o.s one round but kills the next will not have those extra four hours in his third round. 


 The format for the second round is going to see a slight change, which is the addition of the "acquired gains" category- which will include all those gains that are neither x-factors or augments. 

Thus the format would look like:

Long Range
Mid Range:
Close Range:
Special 1:
Special 2:
*Acquired Gains (except pre-battle, which is put in that category)

The acquired gains  category itself will be split up into many different categories based on ranges or which category it WOULD have fit in if it had been in the warriors's original arsenal. These ranges also determine into which section the power/ability/weapon will factor into if there is no competitor. 

For example if  Galen  Marek acquired the ability to utilize propulsion to briefly boost his speed or try and run away. If he was facing Kratos who acquired Batman's utility belt from beating the man of the same name then those two abilities/weapons would be pitted against each other, as they are both in the special category and are valid comparisons. 

Thus under Acquired gains category there could be this comparison

Galen Marek

Acquired Gains
Classification: Special 



Acquired Gains:
Batman Utility Belt:
Classification: Special

However if Alex Mercer, who gained a new attack form from beating Alucard, fought Mewtwo who gained no new close range instrument/power then Alex's new arm form would be factored into close range instead. Thus instead of looking like this

Close  Range : Alex's biomass forms vs. Mewtwo's spoon/Bubble Shield

Acquired gains :

New Arm form vs. no new close range

it would look like this:

Close Range: Alex's Biomass forms (plus new arm form!) vs. Mewtwo's spoon/Bubble Shield

And now for an example of an updated profile, I am going to include ONLY the changed parts for the Marek profile. 


    Proxy is Marek's combat training droid and best friend, which is ironic since he is constantly trying to kill him. His main benefit is that through study and his holographic projectors he can turn into near anyone, mimicking their combat style and approach . He can also use a series of tractor beams and repulsors to mimic powers to an extent. This will allow Marek to practice fighting against his enemy before the battle actually begins!

 This is certainly a large advantage, however its not without its drawbacks. Proxy is not as powerful as the person he is mimicking, and can not replicate the strength level of the opponent's powers and cannot take into account new changes and personality of fighters. However he will be able to replicate simulated modules, personality and all, of Ty Lee, Azula and Mai to teach him skills relevant to each or just to serve as pure training. 

 Rahm Kota was a former Jedi Master who was noted as an excellent tactician and combat controller. He later became Marek's Jedi mentor.  For the purposes of the tournament he will serve an advisory role in pre-battle, as well as being a means in which Marek can develop more light side powers. 

*Signifies victory gain
Note: He has an addition four hours for winning against Azula via a K.O. 


Range: Basic Line-of-sight -15 feet (force repulse) Type:  prepared | Effect: Projectiles to Direct/Fire Damage Usage: High (averaged) 

An umbrella term to describe a number of powers, Telekinesis comprises of both the basic environmental control powers and the more sinister direct kill powers. Force Push or Pull are self-explanatory, being used to push something back or else pull something closer to the caster (a great disarming tool!) .Galen Marek’s biggest feat here is literally pulling a Star Destroyer from the sky.  Also self-explanatory is force throw, which picks up an object or person and hurls it in whatever direction the caster pleases. Force grip allowed Marek to grab someone and lift them in the air, whereupon he could then do what he wanted to the victim (though capable fighters could still attack) .Force Repulse was a uniquely Marek move, causing him to levitate in the air and draw loose objects and force energy to him before blasting it out in a violent ring of force push. 

       More sinisterly, Marek also possessed force choke and force crush. The former cuts off a person’s oxygen, choking them while the latter could be used to crush entire organs (given Marek’s conversion to the lightside, there will likely be some hesitancy to use this). In terms of usage, force push/pull/throw would score very high, while repulse/grip high and force choke moderate. Force Crush, a power that he has never used on a living person but is in theory capable of doing so, scores very rare. 

 While Force Grip/Choke does seem to be overwhelming, I have found four effective counters to it that a opponent might research to counter. The first is to blind the Jedi, breaking there line of sight, the second is too immediately leap away, which doesn't always give a good result. the third is to break concentration with a stream of endless attacks, while the fourth and most useful was frequently used by Boba Fett, who used his jetpack's propulsion  to interfere with grip and move out of line of sight. 

 Gain:Pyrokinesis ("Firebending")

 As a reward for beating the Fire Nation princess in battle Galen Marek has gained the ability to create and manipulate blue-fire, as well as the ability to control ambient fire. Through training since his bout with Azula Marek has improved himself greatly however he is still a new student in the art of Firebending, and only knows the basic movements currently. Though his skill when it comes with fire will undoubtedly improve with time currently he can only do certain basic moves which are: Fireballs, Streams of Fire, Ability to create a Blazing Arc of Fire and ability to heat up objects. 


Range: 20 meters | Type: Prepared | Effect: Shock  Usage: High
 Perhaps the most iconic Dark Side power, it is also arguably the most lethal of any of Marek’s power.  Drawing energy from the Darkside of the Force, the user blast a beam of pure lightning at a target, either crippling them or sometimes even killing them (the longer the user can keep it cast, the greater likelihood of either). He can also augment his lightsaber with electricity at close quarters, or augment a force gripped object with electricity, causing it to explode when it hits.  Galen was one of the most powerful Lightning users ever, rivaling Darth Sidious himself. 

 From beating Azula his range has upgraded to 20 meters, and he has learned how to redirect it efficiently with his hands. 


Range: ??? Type: Innate Effect: Augment Usage: Inntate
 Farsight allows Marek to briefly peer into the future, examine past events and make predictions on probable future events.Farsight could also be applied to combat, allowing the practitioner to glimpse moves his opponent may make, as well as outside forces that might affect the battle.

Initially Marek struggled very hard with this power, and was frustrated by his inability to learn it. However upon his conversion to the light and his defeat of the Fire Nation princess Azula this power has increased in skill to the point where he is now fairly adept in it, though he has a long way to go to reach Palpatine's level. 


Shuriken Knives:

Classification: Close Range
Range: 1-2 feet (much farther if guided via telekinesis)  Type: Knife Effect: Piercing  Usage: Acquired Gain (unknown)

 Three of these weapons, taken from Azula, now function as emergency weapons for Marek. Though their use will undoubtedly be limited thanks to their extremely close quarters nature should worse come to worse and Marek's ligthtsaber is destroyed he does have a fallback point. In addition he would be able to guide these in the air via telekinesis to serve as projectiles. 

Classification: Special
Range: up to 10 meters | Type: Innate | Effect: speed boost/flying Usage: ???

   Marek has acquired the ability to use pyrokinesis to propel himself, though not for as long as Azula. He can use the power to fly in the air, slow down her descent, or rush around the battlefield at high speeds he would not normally be capable of. It also has a bit of a offensive edge, as fire being used for propulsion can easily be accessed for fighting. Should he need to flee quickly or charge at a foe, this power aids him greatly.  I expect it to serve in combination with Marek's force speed as an impressive boost. 

Range:Personal space Type: Prepared Effect : burn, defense Usage:????

  Marek has also acquired the ability to summon a quasi-fire shield around himself. Though its not as powerful as Azula's version he can still use it for some defensive purposes, as well as a ramming device. Exactly 30 seconds after activating it the power explodes in a bright light and leaves behind a smoke cloud, which serves to somewhat cloak Marek's own movements. 

X-FACTOR changes:

Damage Resistance: 41/100 (increased from 35):
Though the Force protection is a powerful shield, he only used it once and in circumstances that may have aided in his death (channeling all that electricity would not have been healthy) .Galen scores somewhat high here due to telekinesis and lightsaber blocking. From beating Marek he has gained the ability to use a temporary fire shield, boosting this score a bit. 

Raw Speed: 21/100 – (from 19)
Marek is naturally very fast and is capable of using Force speed to temporarily boost his speed, but only very briefly. However he now has increased speed from learning  Azula's propulsion ability.

Intuition: 68/100
Farsight has gotten better, and thus this score is now a 69 from previously a 68. 

And that is it for this week, I shall try to get something else up next week. In the meantime what do you think of this system? Any suggested changes? Also do you have any changes to the line-up you would like to suggest? While first round contestants are locked in I don't mind switching around 2nd or 3rd round if it turns out to be fairer for all.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Batman vs. Kratos bios

*thanks to whoever made these pictures and videos for their wonderful use!

*p.S. sorry about the background, don't know how to fix it :(.

The world’s greatest detective, martial artist and billionaire mastermind meets the God of War who in mere mortal state brought down the likes of everything on and below Olympus! The Portal Master wants to know, between these two titanic mere men, with two days of prep time against their known foe, WHO… IS… DEADLIEST?

Possessing little to no special powers, it may wonder many people why these two were chosen.


His status as a Dues Ex Machina helped secure his position in, as well as the fact that he has fulfilled the literal requirement of beating Superman before (though Superman has beaten him more times). He also has or has the ability to build gadgets for nearly every situation.

Kratos :
Well as his fans like (obnoxiously) to mention he did beat gods...

He is also a very capable fighter, someone with years of experience and lots of magical items that is almost a perfect comparison to his foe's technological equipment. Also he pretty much never gives up no matter what.

 *NOTE: This profile was NOT MADE BY ME, rather a friend, though I did add some segments. Now he is a huge Batman fan and he did give Batman some rather obscure armor but given who he is going against he needs it. Plus I am a bit too lazy to make an entirely new profile from scratch.

= = BATMAN = =

NAME: Bruce Wayne
AGE: mid 70s (re-aged to his peak mid 30s)
WEIGHT: 210 lbs
HEIGHT: 6’2”
GRADE: 4.8 Special Mortal 
CLASS: The Dark Knight


Bruce Wayne, the Batman probably has one of the best-known histories of all superheroes. He is known as the world’s greatest detective and has surpassed and defeated all kinds of enemies, including demi-gods though he is still himself a mortal. He possesses an intellect and ability to solve puzzles that borders the supernatural. He knows all forms of lethal martial arts that would be 127 of them, and uses them all in a highly effective mixture in the right moment. His understanding of anatomy allows him to target pressure points and kill with his bare hands in a single move if he wanted to.

But let’s talk about what’s lesser known: his involvement in Batman Beyond. In this series (now an ongoing comic book series) DC looks into what happens when the mortal Bruce Wayne gets too old and retires. He comes across Terry, a troubled teen whom he takes in to become the future Batman of Gotham City in a new crime wave after Bruce worked so hard to eliminate what was there in his time. In this tournament, we are using this form of Batman, in all of his years of experience back to his physical prime. But we’re also looking at a Batman equipped with super high-tech gear in the new Beyond Batsuit. This includes the ability to glide, rocket boots, potent explosives, incredible strength, and Batarangs that retract so small he can hold untold dozens of them, possibly hundreds and launch them with deadly aim and precision.

(I miss Toonami :()

PRE-BATTLE: DEUS EX MACHINA, World's greatest detective

Batman has been acknowledged by even those that hate him as some sort of Deus Ex Machina-some sort answer to all questions. While this isn't exactly true Batman's skill here cannot be denied (see x-factor: Mental for some feats). He is also the world's greatest detective, able to piece together little clues to look at the big picture. He is all in all extremely good at prep time, one of the best in the tournament.

Pre-battle Bonus: Batcave/Alfred Pennyworth

For this battle he'll be able to use a replica of the Batcave. The Bat cave contains state of the art facilities such as: crime lab, various specialized laboratories, mechanized workshops, personal gymnasium, a vast library, parking, docking and hangar space (as appropriate) for his various vehicles as well as separate exits for the various types, trophies of past cases, a large bat colony, and a Justice League teleporter. It also has medical facilities as well as various areas used in training exercises for Batman that feature limited holographic projection (it isn't the x-men danger room but its rather close here).

He'll also have his rather gifted butler Alfred to help him.

LONG RANGE: Batarangs
Type: Solid-slug | Range: ~500 meters | Effect: Various | ROF: 60rpm | Ammo Cap: ~100

This might seem like a laughable long-range weapon, but it is almost as flexible as telekinesis itself. The Batarangs here have a wide range of uses and types. One type is electrical, disorienting large electronics and outright shutting down any computer the size of your bed. Other than this, it delivers inhibiting shocks that would incapacitate a normal human instantly. Explosive ones have a little less impact than a grenade, but contain more flammable materials, burning more damage than through shockwave. Some can even cast energy nets to contain enemies far too powerful. There’s even one that can expand into freezing a target (enough to stick a person’s feet to the ground). All are exceptionally sharp and when thrown by hand can imbed into the strongest steel and concrete itself by at least 2”, not including when they’re launched like bullets from the forearms.

However like almost all of his weapons, Batman won't like to use them for lethal measures.
MID-RANGE: Grappling Guns/wristmounted laser, Bolas

Type: Flexible | Range: ~70 meters (roughly 15 feet with the laser) | Ammo Cap: Unknown (see range)
Take the grappling gun Batman normally used and add 50 years of advanced technology. We’re talking as strong as or stronger than Spiderman’s webbing, and make it duel-wield capable (he has them in both arms). Oh yeah, don’t forget they don’t even need to be held by the hands and are activated by thought. An android made up almost out of pure synthetic muscle took over a minute to break free. They can act as whips, distracting or entangling a person, disarming them, make trip-wire when the Batarang attached hits solid objects, etc. Though like most flexible weapons, they can be cut with sharp enough objects and sufficient inhuman strength can overcome them. He is also able to transfer electrical feed from the suit into the wire (as electrical and energy feed goes from the cable to him) making it an incapacitating weapon if need be. Another interesting weapon that the suit comes with Wrist-mounted laser shooter capable of melting metal and stunning his opponents.


 Type: Flexible | Range: ~20 meters | Ammo Cap: 4-5

The bolas originated from Pre-Columbian South America and were primarily used as hunting instruments, the weights designed to trip up or ensnare foes. Bolas of three weights(the type that is used in the Beyond series) are usually designed with two shorter cords with heavier weights, and one longer cord with a light weight. The heavier weights fly at the front parallel to each other, hit either side of the legs, and the lighter weight goes around, wrapping up the legs. In the series the new Batman makes frequent use of this weapon as a means to either trip up or restrain foes. Under the right circumstances these could easily be used as knockout weapons.

CLOSE RANGE: Claws/Batsuit Defenses

One-Handed Blades/Claws | Material: Unknown | Type: Blade
While a powerful raw strength combined with superior martial arts is what often gives Batman his edge, the Beyond Batsuit comes with a number of extra gizmos. Most notably are claws capable of embedding into solid rock and steel, comparable to what Sabretooth can do with his claws. Material is unknown as it’s integrated into the Batsuit itself, but it’s better than steel (though not quite adamantium). This is probably the same material in his Batcuffs and are great for climbing as well. He also uses forearm spikes with roughly the same use, which can extend up to a foot long, that has shown itself capable of tearing a robot in half. In addition, the suit comes with a buzz saw on the belt buckle,flexi-cuffs(handcuffs) and can emit sonic sound strong enough to crack and break copper.

The suit can also administer powerful electrical shocks, protecting Batman from being touched by just about anything that can’t directly absorb that sort of energy. I didn’t realize how potent this could be until I learned that it temporarily took out Big Barda, who has the power of indestructibility and can fight Wonder Woman to a draw (the daughter of Darkseid mind you). If that’s not enough, Batman can heat the suit up to 4,000 degrees (Fahrenheit I’m sure). That, mind you, is how hot the surface of a red star is making it deadly to the touch for sure, though it takes a little time to get to that point. On top of that, the wings can emit tear gas in the event he needs to get away.

SPECIAL: Capsules/Bat Bombs

Range: Thrown | Type: Solid-slug | Effect: Various
All the goodies Batman used to carry on-hand in situations he expected have been amplified in potency and reduced to the size of capsules no bigger than your thumb. They include acids, knock-out gas that takes moments to work, rusting agents that can eat through metal, choke out fires a la fire extinguisher, one that can encase a limb in frozen ice, and even a few dehumidifiers. On top of that, the Batsuit can carry explosives more potent than C4 in small amounts that can blast holes straight through brick walls large enough to move through. He also comes equipped with smoke pellets.

SPECIAL 2: Tracers/Grenades

Range: Thrown | Type: Solid-slug | Effect: Various
As if he doesn’t have enough stuff on him, Batman always carries gas grenades. Basically the same as his capsules minus the freezing and knock-out gas (I’m assuming that much concentration could probably kill someone) but includes smoke pellets, tear gas, and flashbang grenades. Planting a tracer on someone subtly will let Batman know where they are at all times.


Shockingly he and Kratos share a huge similarity in that they pretty much share the same types of passive equipment . The Beyond Batsuit comes with a wide range of useful pieces of equipment for the future Batman to utilize, increasing his abilities even more so than his old utility belt. He has wings that can spread out allowing him to glide (in a steady glide he can even use at least one arm independently). In addition, the suit comes with a rebreather that allows the user to breath under water and lets him resist toxic environments. Along with his rocket boots, the suit gives him incredible enhanced leg strength, lifting off massive boulders and resist great amounts of pressure.
Now if you guys want to give an edge here be my guest, or you can just call it even and skip it.
ARMOR: Beyond Batsuit

This suit amplifies the strength of the wearer by at least 200%, evident by one jump lifting them higher than Master Chief could hope, slightly increases running speed, and protects the wearer from astronomical damage. Terry has been caught in a futuristic crane claw, punched by an evil Superman (i.e. full strength punch), and stepped on by a towering machine the size of a skyscraper. The suit can withstand temperatures in excess of 4,000 degrees Fahrenheit (as hot as the surface of a red star) and extreme cold. The suit is resistant to water and electricity. It is near immune to standard firearms and lasers.

*My Note: This was the last Batsuit Bruce Wayne ever made, and he did use it at times before giving it over to Terry Mcgrinnis. Given that Kratos possesses items and magic from all of his adventures, I do think its fair that Batman should get the same.



Accuracy: 78/100 – 
Batman is actually well-trained in the use of all kinds of weapons, including firearms. His Batarangs are also a testament to his extreme accuracy as he can time it to hit multiple objects and arc them back to him.
Combat: 81/100 – 
Batman has taken out Wonder Woman with a nerve pinch, knocked out the Hulk with a kick, and can dodge Superman’s punch—all because he’s mastered that many martial arts and has that great amount of knowledge of the human body. (This is of course without the Beyond suit).
Physicality: 36/100 – 
It might seem strange that Batman would score so highly, but this is all thanks to the suit.
Damage Intake: 11/100 -
He's a very physically fit figure underneath the suit, but other then that he still has human level endurance.
Damage Resistance: 50/100 – 
While the suit has a hard time withstanding sharp weapons or pinpoint pressure, against about anything else it’s extremely formidable—even against a punch from an evil Superman himself! (No, not the half-assed punches Superman usually does to avoid harm) Against temperature-related damage, sonic/shockwave blasts, energy (such as extreme radiation) and sheer force, the suit excels.
Stealth: 80/100 – 
The only reason Batman doesn’t reach above 80 is because he can’t hide himself entirely from psychics nor remove his body from the plain of existence.He can cloak in the same manner Predators do with his new suit.
Sensory: 72/100:
In addition to already possessing peak human senses his suit comes with a variety of forms that include night, binocular, infrared and ultraviolet visions.

Stamina: 48/100
The Suit puts his stamina above normal humans.
Finesse: 71/100
Agility has always been a superb trait for Batman, and he is very light on his feet.
Raw Speed: 20/100 – 
His suit gives him enhanced agility, including running speed, not to mention he’s wearing rocket boots that he can use very often.
Reflexes: 40/100 
Peak Human reflexes. Its worth noting here that although Superman can go much faster then him Batman is still able to inflict blows upon him.


Adaptive Creativity: 93/100 –
Batman wins against villains most of the time thanks to his ability to use his environment and combine the work of his tools. This combined with his excellent intellect are all that stand between him even hoping to face powerful super villains (and even a 1,000-strong damn Army!). No mortal can match him in this regard and he is rarely surprised at anything, and if he was, it wasn’t for long.
Initiative: 40/100 
Though he is capable for a human he is rarely first to the punch when fighting superhumans.
Tactics: 98/100 – 
By far, above and beyond anything and everything else, this is Batman’s greatest trait. Every tactic he has ever made and come up with has always seemed to work in one way or another, and he’s rarely wrong.He is rightfully considered a "Deus Ex Machina" by many DC fans.

However despite his high score its worth noting that he can be out outmaneuvered, something Bane accomplished a couple times, and he has lost more battles then he has won against Superman, mostly because Superman just uses his immense strength to beat him down.
Intuition: 69/100-
Batman instinct's are really good at picking out danger for some reason, giving him a high score here.
Intelligence: 80/100
He is really intelligent, probably one of the most intelligent people on his world. Managed to create a cure to vampirism in a hour, come up with almost full proof plans to defeat every Justice League member if they went rogue (something used against him when Bane captured his plans), and comes up with unique solutions all the time.

Batman is a master of numerous fields of study. He has either mastered or is highly skilled in forensics, criminology, physical fitness, chemistry & physics, computer science, foreign language (he speaks Arabic, mandarin Chinese, Russian, Spanish, and English), and excellent tracking skills. He is also advanced in self-defense, riddle solving, yoga, automotive mechanics and meditation.


Experience: 70/100 – 
He may be Batman, but he’s still only lived one lifetime! Still he fights against a variety of opponents in that life time, ranging from regular guys to superhumans to aliens.
Discipline: 90/100-
He is a highly disciplined individual, and rarely lets his emotions get the better of him.
Training: 73/100 -

Batman had a very unique style of training himself which i'll post below.
At the age 14 he disappeared from Gotham for a while. First he studied academics, attending courses at Cambridge, the Sorbonne, and other European universities. However, he never stayed long and would often drop out after one semester. Beyond academia, Wayne successfully acquired various "practical" skills. While abroad, he studied and received training in multiple martial arts under various instructors and in different countries, man-hunting under Frenchman Henri Ducard, stealth and reconnaissance under the Japanese ninja Kirigi and other certified shinobi, hunting under the African Bushman (the Ghost Tribes of the Ten-Eyed Brotherhood, among others), traditional healing disciplines under Nepalese monks and even ventriloquism under skilled practitioners


Audacity: 67/100 – 
Batman will fight to the death when cornered, even against all hopes, but he isn’t stupid in the field. He’s almost always very cautious about new opponents so he won’t be taken by surprise as much as possible.
Intimidation: 40/100
He's got some intimidation; he scares the shit out the criminals of Gotham, but he is no Arthas Menethil or Jackie Estacado in this regard.
Psychological Warfare: 80/100:
This is something Bruce is really good in; he knows all the right buttons to push and has both talked down foes successfully before and convinced them to turn against each other.
Strength of Mind: 76/100
Has fought off illusions and attempts at mind control before, and indeed is surprisingly strong in this arena.
Killer Instinct: 31/100-
I think he has killed before or at least let people die, but he generally really doesn't like to kill, preferring knockouts or talking them down.
Psychology: 50/100-
Rather antisocial at times, he also suffers from childhood trauma and a severe lack of trust/inability to form any sort of lasting bonds for the most part. He is also utterly obsessed with his goals.
Inner Torment: 57/100 
Childhood Trauma could easily be used against him by psychics.
Corruption: 40/100
  He is iffy, a vigilante yet one that does not kill, lawbreaker yet one that tries to uphold the law.


Energy Potential: 70/100 –
Batman doesn’t have powers—but his suit still does! Maybe it’s due to Terry’s wise usage of it, but I’ve never seen it run low at all, no matter what he’s done.


Batman is a true master of prep time, one of the greatest in this tournament without a doubt. He is also a master of a variety of forms of martial arts and utilizing his foes weakpoints. For environmental bonuses he'll get an area with some shadows, though his high adaptive creativity score (exceeded by only one other person in the tournament, Doctor Who) means that he'd find use for most potential environments.

Batman's biggest weakness has gotta be his no killing code; in fact its probably the worst thing about him. I mean how many times has the Joker gotten out of his cage and killed, only to just be put back in again by Batman even though he knows that Joker will be right back out again. Probably hundreds or even thousands of people have lsot their lives because of this. This factor makes his battles a bit harder to win.

Motivation: Bringing his parents back

As stated in the prologue Batman's main motivation here will be to bring his parents back, something that marks his life forever. However he'll also probably want to find out how this tournament came to be and how to stop it.


Name: Kratos Age: ? Height: 6’5 Weight: 284 lbs Grade: 5.4 Immortal Class: God Slayer (This is a mixture of all versions of Kratos) Bio: The former God of War and ghost of Sparta, Kratos’s most notable feat were undoubtedly slaying much of the Greek pantheon, as well as accompanying heroes and monsters. Primarily a close ranged fighter, Kratos nevertheless possesses the bow of the archer god, which is capable of almost automatic fire. Getting closer in he relies primarily on his signature blades of exile, whose chains allowed the blade to extend far beyond the range of most close quarters weapons. Kratos also possesses a variety of other close quarter’s weapons, but the god-killing blade of Olympus stands out. A variety of items have been forcibly acquired over the years from other gods, including the boots of Hermes and of Helios. His strength unmatched, Kratos’s boldness allows him to face any enemy he fights head on. 

PRE-BATTLE: Spartan General

As a Spartan General Kratos is no doubt somewhat used to looking up intel about his future fights prior to a battle. Based on what I know of fictional Spartans and Kratos in particular I expect his entire focus point to be war! He won't care about personality per say but weapons, armor, skills and tactics. 
Pre-battle Bonus: Athena

Kratos doesn't have much for pre-battle but what he will get is Athena, the goddess of wisdom who serves as an ally from the games. This goddess frequently lends Kratos tactical aid and  tips for the future. 

LONG RANGE: Bow of Apollo

Type: Force Flex | Range: Variable | Effect: Fire Damage ROF: if rapid fire, potentially dozens per minute | Ammo: Unlimited This legendary bow was acquired after killing Peirithous, mortal lover of the queen of Hades, in Hades’s realm. The bow has two primary firing modes; one is a very rapid shot where he can launch a flurry of arrows in quick succession, or a slower charged bolt. Kratos occasionally experiences fatigue when using this however he is quickly able to regain strength and fire more volleys, taking out his Energy Potential to use it. The longer he re-charges the more arrows he can do in one session. Both types do fire damage upon hit, though the rapid fire has significantly less range than a charged shot, about that of a pistol. Kratos seems to pull the arrows out of nowhere, or conjures them, because he never runs out! That may have something to do with the bow itself, being that it once belonged to a god archer.  

MID RANGE: Blades of Exile, Spear of Destiny
One Handed Blades | Range: 30 feet | Material: Metal | Type: Morphed: Flexible/blade Effect: Fire, Army of Sparta The Blades of Exile were given to him after Gaia betrayed him on Olympus, 
replacing the earlier blades of Athena. Unlike the blades of Athena, these came with a distinctly different design, featuring horned demon faces on the hilts, pronounced hooks on their lower edges, and an intricate pattern of orange stripes on the flat sides of the blades, which emit fire. These flexible blades are attached to chains capable of stretching up to thirty feet, and can be used to efficiently trap, entangle, slash or stab an enemy.

In times of dire need Kratos is able to summon a phalanx of Spartan soldiers to his rescue with these blades, which surround him in shields while simultaneously stabbing out with their spears. Some of them also fire arrows. They disappear after a couple of seconds. He can also imbue this blade with fire in a move known as Thera’s bane. Finally he has also managed to capture primordial fire, and can summon orbs of bright light and throw them at enemies.  

Spear of Destiny Two Handed Spear | Range: 8-12 feet | Type: Blade Explosive Projectile (explosive), Blade
In an interesting connection to the Christian religion this spear is none other than the very same one the Roman soldier Longinus used to stab Jesus. As such this spear is almost ridiculously powerful, with applications far more than normal stabbing. It can shoot razor sharp energy projectiles at foes from afar, from up to the range of a pistol. Or the user of this could choose to leave said projectiles on the ground, which would serve as magical mines, exploding whenever a unwary enemy steps on one. At closer quarters this spear has shown itself proficient at cleaving through armor or impaling through some of the toughest enemy hides. It is also capable of nearly doubling, if not tripling its original length through extension ala Dante’s Scythe from Dante’s inferno. Finally he can swing this in a wide arc, powering it up as it gains velocity. When the blade connects with something that object/person has a chance of exploding.  

CLOSE RANGE: Blade of Olympus, Nemean Cestus Two Handed Sword | Material: Unearthly Materials | Type: Blade | Effects: Life Drain
Without a doubt Kratos’s most powerful weapon, the Blade of Olympus was forged by Zeus out of heavenly materials. This weapon was made with the sole purpose of defeating deities, and has enough power to slay even the mightiest of gods. It is capable of absorbing their power into the blade, making it stronger still. However it is apparently just as draining to its user as it is to others, and its use is rare outside of the Rage of Sparta mode(though he is capable of doing so).

Nemean Cestus:
2 One-Handed Weapons | Material: Metal Type: Blunt Effects: Shockwave, electricity | Range: 10 feet The Nemean Cestus is a pair of large metal gauntlets, each forged to resemble a snarling lion's head that greatly increases the strength of its wielder when worn. Forcibly taken from Hercules, these dual gauntlets were then used to bash his face in. Naturally these weapons are limited by their short range, however they do have an alternate use. The move, “Nemesis Roar”, slams the ground repeatedly, causing waves of magic to hurt anyone just out of reach. The Nemesis Gauntlets also have chains inside, allowing its range to be extended up to ten feet in some circumstances.  

SPECIAL 1: Claws of Hades/Summon Creature
Two Handed Weapon | Material: Unknown | Range: 30 feet | Type: Blade Effect: Life Drain, Summon The Claws of Hades is a chained weapon formerly utilized by the God of the Underworld, Hades. It was later procured by Kratos after the former owner's death. Arguably one of Kratos’s most powerful weapons along with his Blade of Olympus, this could be used both in standard slashing attacks as well as the ability to forcibly pull out a foes soul, which of coarse (to those with souls, not every character in this tournament has a soul) would be a instant kill. Though powerful, powerful characters (“bosses”) such as Hades are able to put up a bit of a resistance.  

It also comes with a move called soul summon, which allows him to bring various foes who he defeated before to the battlefield. The most powerful of these are the chimera, centaur general, siren seductress and Cyclops berserker. Finally in an interesting collaboration with Persian mythos, Kratos has gained the ability to summon one Efreet from killing a Persian King. The Efreet was A Persian Demonic Spirit of fire. However it seems that only one summon can be used at a time.  

SPECIAL 2: Offensive Magical Relics Tactical Aid | Type: Magical

Boreas’s Icestorm is a minor piece that shoots out ice breath, which Kratos rarely uses, while Eye of Atlantis allows him to shoot a bolt of lightning at his foes. Charon’s mask allows him to shoot green flames at his foe. The Head of Medusa allows him to turn enemies into stone, the larger and more powerful the enemy that longer it takes to do so. These three minor attacks use some of his magic but not much. The Head of Helios is the actual head of the sun god used to blind enemies or light up dark areas and can reveal invisible enemies, all to about the range of an effective pistol shot. Scourge of Erinys gives its user the ability to summon powerful voids from merely possessing the artifact. However it doesn’t really damage armor users. Instead it will just hurl them about doing minor damage. 


Kratos bears a number of similar equipment to his foe Batman. 
Along his journey in the series, Kratos acquired many objects from the foes he defeated that help boost his stats and abilities, though only one can be used at any one time. The Icarus Wings allow Kratos to glide while Posidon’s trident allows Kratos to stay underwater indefinitely. The Boots of Hermes amplify Kratos’s speed to blinding levels, allowing him to run straight forward in short dashes, run up walls and ram foes. Aphrodite's Ambrosia increases the power of his kicks to the point where they go through bronze shields. 

ARMOR: Golden Fleece, God Armor

Other than the his own superhuman durability, agility and the brief Rage of Sparta mode (which renders him near invulnerable), Kratos possesses the Golden Fleece. This magical item allows him to deflect projectiles, whether they are physical or magic, back at the enemy. It is limited only by its one dimensional nature- it could not effectively defend against an A.O.E. attack. The God Armor was the set of armor acquired by Kratos during his tenure as the god of war, though he seems to have lost it for the third game. With this armor Kratos experiences increased fire magic regeneration, doubles his stats (magic, health and rage), a 50 % percent damage reduction and 200% damage increase.  

Kratos also possesses low grade regeneration, though I must stress that it would be nothing compared to Wolverine's or Mercer’s, and would take much longer to occur. == X-FACTORS == 


Accuracy: 78/100 -
Despite being a primary melee class, Kratos is very accurate with his ranged weaponry. Combat: 79/100 – 
While Kratos may not know as much in the way of martial arts as other mortals, he has shown excellent skills with a multitude of bizarre and otherworldly weapons, both with and against. Physicality: 70/100 – 
If not this then above. He can toss around the Colossus of Rhodes, wrestle with Ares and Zeus, stop a massive titan named Cronos from crushing him, and does a whole bunch of other strength related feats. Damage Intake: 55/100 – 
Shown to be able to take an incredibly amount of damage before dying, including being stabbed by a sword designed solely to kill powerful dieties (twice!). However he lacks the superfast regeneration or additional lives that some other characters possess. Damage Resistance: 46/100
His God Armor and Golden Fleece are very formidable pieces of equipment. Stealth: 44/100 -
Actually real life Spartans do have some training in this, however Kratos doesn't have much in the way of stealth feats. Sensory: 59/100 -
Has peak humans senses and has fought invisible opponents before, however other then that not very much. Initiative: 53/100
Most of the time he does get off the first blow, rushing into combat like a beserker. Stamina: 65/100 – 
Does not seem to tire at all in his battles, and can fight endlessly for a very long time. Only rated down here as the Barbarian King Alrik was able to exhaust him prior to his calling for Ares to aid him- and Kratos is still mortal in GOW 3, having lost his godhood. Finesse: 56/100 -
He is fairly agile however he is more known for his strength then agility.

Raw Speed: 20/100 – 
Normally he is about peak human, however he can use the boots of Hermes for brief bursts of speed. Reflexes: 42/100 – 
Peak human to superhuman, able to utilize his golden fleece effectively.  


Adaptive Creativity: 68/100 – 
Frequently solves puzzles, problems and makes great use of environmental objects to brutally slay foes
Initiative: 53/100
Most of the time he does get off the first blow, rushing into combat like a beserker. l weapons.
Tactics: 52/100 – 
He gets some scoring here from being a successful Spartan general, however he’s been successfully ambushed many times that he is prevented from scoring high.
Intelligence: 49/100
  Not very smart though I do consider him cunning.  Intuition: 45/100 – 
Is frequently ambushed and betrayed all the time in his story, so it appears this is another area he is lacking in.   PREPARATION:

Experience: 72/100 : 
Huge amount of experience over an indeterminate lifetime, has defeated the entire Greek Panthenon. Discipline: 50/100 – 
Kratos is prone to rage, which hurts his score here. Training: 65/100-
The Spartan Agoge training was renowned in the ancient world for the soldiers it produced, and Kratos scores high here.

Audacity: 95/100 – 
When he was a child Kratos vowed to never falter, and has stayed true to that vow his entire life. Does not back down from a fight, and has faced gods and beings even higher with no fear. The guy just—isn’t really affected by fear. Intimidation: 50/100
Mere mortals have been known to flee on sight of this man given his fierce reputation and ghastly appearance. Psychological Warfare: 52/100-
Makes use of threats, taunts and violent action to deliberately intimidate foes. Killer Instinct: 86/100 – 
Unless they’re willing to help him to exact his end goal towards revenge, Kratos pretty much kills them if they’re moving around him to get them out of his way.
Psychology: 44/100 – 
Is an incredibly self-centered, angry, violent individual who puts blame for past misdeeds firmly on others shoulders, willing to kill any and nearly all without remorse. The rare times he does show remorse he tries to kill himself, which he has attempted twice. Obsessed with revenge of all forms, and arrogant by every definition. Strength of Mind: 70/100 -
Kratos is able to resist mind tricks and forced hallucinations, however they are still able to affect him. Inner Torment: 70/100 -
See Psychology. Bears incredible remorse for the deaths of his family. Corruption: 65/100 I honestly don't know whether to perceive this man as a extremely violent anti-hero or villain. 

 Energy Potential: 50/100 – 
His magic is more suited for brief, limited bursts and usually requires a moderate regeneration time. In addition his most powerful spell, Rage of Sparta, only lasts for 20-30 seconds. 

Kratos is a warrior of great renown and skill, that much is certain. He is also a surprisingly adaptable fighter, able to work out puzzles and use the environment to cleverly and brutally kill people. In fact he's pretty much all dedicated to war, given that he used to be the God of war (and may still have that title, though he is a demigod).

However what Kratos fails in is his anger and predictability. His tactics don't really vary much as he invariably goes for the quickest and easier way to kill.

Motivation: Vengeance!

 This motivation drives Kratos in nearly all of his games, and will also do so here since he was picked up right before the fight with Zeus. He is probably itching for vengeance on the Portal Master to, as he doesn't like the kidnapping part. However a part of Kratos does enjoy fighting so I think he'd be happy in this tournament. Also he may like the promise of going back in time to reverse his family's death.

 With that said I want to establish two "no-nos" for this. Things that I will not count as an adequate vote. 

1. Kratos kills gods and thus equals an auto win

 This is not true in the slightest and a fairly bullshit reasoning actually. Half of the people in this tournament have defeated gods or god figures and in all honesty the gods Kratos fought were pretty weak compared to people like the God Emperor of Mankind (who can destroy many dozens of solar systems with a thought) and Galactus. In fact Zeus at his highest does not equal them at their lowest (yes I think the moribund Emperor on his throne would beat Zeus!).

2. Batman = auto win
Not ture either he has been outmaneuvered by Bane, beat down by Superman and many others, as well as experiencing recurring failures (Joker still lives). Now he is extraordinary good at prep time but that doesn't mean that that along should propel him to victory every match, he is somewhat limited by time here. 

Anyway I hope you enjoyed the preview and please cast votes for this when you can, this extraordinary battle between two extraordinary warriors. 
Batman starts off with 2 point lead for winning FB